HC Deb 17 July 1913 vol 55 c1416
34. Mr. FALLE

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty if he is aware of the method of keeping the leave book in the chief petty officers' mess, Royal Naval Barracks, namely, of having a book kept in the mess in which every petty officer enters his name before leaving and initials the same on returning; and if he can see his way to make this practice universal afloat and ashore for chief petty officers and also for petty officers, and do away with the practice of petty officers being mustered in and out of the ship?


I understand that the practice at the Royal Naval Barracks, Portsmouth, is as stated by the hon. Member, so far as the chief petty officers are concerned. With regard to the second part of the question, the King's Regulations provide that petty and non-commissioned officers are not to be mustered in and out of the ship unless for some special reason. It should be remembered that the circumstances obtaining in barracks ashore and in ships in commission differ so considerably that details of the practice pursued in the former may not be applicable in the case of the latter.


Are the "special reasons" tabulated, or do they rest with the commander of the ship?


I think they rest with the commander, but I am not quite certain.

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