HC Deb 17 March 1887 vol 312 c536
MR. HOOPER (Cork, S.E.)

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty, Whether he is aware that a notice to the following effect was posted yesterday at Haul-bowline Dockyard Works:— On 1st June 80 men monthly to be discharged.—By order of Lords Commissioners of Admiralty; whether, in the event of the Motion to be made as to the subject of the disappointing rate of progress which is being made with Haulbowline Works, he will direct all steps in pursuance of this official notice to be held in abeyance pending a full debate on this subject in the House?


, in reply, said, he quite sympathized with the hon. Gentleman's object; but the fact was that the notice in question was given because the work on which the men were engaged was just approaching completion.