HC Deb 10 August 1882 vol 273 c1359

asked the Lord Advocate, Whether his attention has been called to the fact that fees still continue to be paid to officials of Sheriffs' Courts in connection with cessio proceedings; whether it is not the case that section eleven of the Debtor's (Scotland) Act provides that no fee fund, or other dues of court, shall be exigible in respect of any proceedings under Cessio Acts; and, whether he will take steps to put an end to the illegal exaction of fees in cessio cases?


On inquiry I find that in one Sheriff Court—that of Hamilton—fees to the bar officer have been charged for cessio cases. So far as I know, this is exceptional. The hon. Gentleman has correctly stated the provisions of the Debtor's (Scotland) Act. I consider these fees to be illegal, and I shall cause this opinion to be intimated to the officer of the Court.