HC Deb 28 April 1876 vol 228 c1831

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department, If his attention has been directed to the account of an explosion of dynamite which took place in a tunnel near Maesteg, near South Wales, on Friday the 21st current, by which thirteen people lost their lives; whether he has seen it stated that there was 150 lbs of dynamite in the tunnel when the explosive substance was ignited; and whether the storing of so much dynamite in such a place was not contrary to Law; and, if he will cause, or has instructed on the part of the Government, that an inquiry be made into the whole circumstances connected with the event?


in reply, said, his attention had been called to the very unfortunate accident referred to; but he had no information on the subject beyond what had appeared in the public papers, therefore he would rather not give an answer as to the legality of storing such quantities of dynamite until he had ascertained the actual facts. The moment he knew that an explosion had occurred he gave instructions that an Inspector of Explosives should attend the inquest, and, if necessary, make a most searching inquiry into the facts of the case.


gave Notice that, after the coroner's inquest had been held, he would ask, If, considering the very extensive use of dynamite, the right hon. Gentleman would not take into consideration the propriety of bringing in a Bill for the purpose of preventing the storing of dynamite in such quantities?