HC Deb 06 March 1857 vol 144 c1944

said, he would beg to ask the Vice President of the Board of Trade whether it was intended to make any, and what further reduction in the Light Dues levied by the three general Lighthouse Boards, under the Merchant Shipping Act, 1854.


said, that in 1854 the light dues for England, Scotland, and Ireland were consolidated into one fund and placed under the management of the Board of Trade. The immediate result of that consolidation was a reduction of these dues to the extent of £100,000 a year. Since the consolidation the Board of Trade had undertaken the construction, and had nearly completed twenty-one lighthouses out of the light dues fund, and was about to construct about thirteen more. All this had been done without encumbering the fund in any way whatever, and the Board of Trade was now engaged in framing an Order in Council by which the light dues would be reduced by a further sum of £50,000 a year.