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Abraham, Philip
Abreu, Laura
Advocate General for Scotland
Ahmed, Sulaiman
Aldhouse, Stephen
Allen, Grahame
Allett, Sarah
Andrew, India
Anthony, Robert
Ares, Elena
Armitage, Simon
Armstrong, Hazel
Aspden, Amelia
Atkins, Martyn
Attorney General
Audickas, Lukas
Ayres, Steven
Bachu, Amritpal
Badger, Lara
Baker, Carl
Baker, Jacqueline
Balogun, Bukky
Barber, Rosie
Barber, Sarah
Barclay, Christopher
Bardens, John
Barrow, Matthew
Bartlett, Gail
Barton, Cassie
Bate, Alex
Beard, Jacqueline
Bellis, Alexander
Bennett, Oliver
Berman, Gavin
Bermingham, Rowena
Bharkada, Bhavina
Black, Skye
Blair, Catherine
Blakey, Robert
Bolshaw, Henry
Bolton, Paul
Booth, Lorna
Border, Peter
Bostrom-Westwood, Tia
Bowers, Paul
Brien, Philip
Brocklehurst, Alex
Brooke-Holland, Louisa
Broughton, Nida
Brown, Dave
Brown, Jennifer
Brown, Susan
Brown, Thomas
Browning, Steven
Bull, Steve
Bunn, Sarah
Burton, Laura
Butcher, Louise
Cabinet Office
Camp, Jim
Carr, Wendy
Carter, Louise
Catherall, Claire
Challender, Chloe
Christie, Lorna
Clark, Adam
Clark, Andrew
Clark, Emma
Codd, Fintan
Coe, Sarah
Coleman, Charley
Collyer Merritt, Eve
Colthart, Gavin
Conway, Lorraine
Cook, Josephine
Cowie, Graeme
Cox, Karen
Cracknell, Richard
Crawford, Michael
Cromarty, Hannah
Cruse, Ian
Curtis, John
Daley, Howard
Danby, Grahame
Danechi, Shadi
Dar, Aliyah
Davies, Joanna
Davies, Martin
Davis, Eleanor
Davis, Fergal
Dawson, Joanna
de Mars, Sylvia
Delebarre, Jeanne
Dempsey, Noel
Dent, Jack
Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy
Department for Business, Innovation and Skills
Department for Communities and Local Government
Department for Culture, Media and Sport
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Department for International Development
Department for International Trade
Department for Transport
Department for Work and Pensions
Department of Energy and Climate Change
Department of Health
Deputy Prime Minister
Desai, Previn
Dods, Helen
Donnelly, Lois
Downing, Emma
Dowsing, Mike
Duckworth, Nicholas
Edmonds, Tim
Evans, Jack
Evans, Rosie
Evennett, Heather
Everett, Michael
Ewence, Lee
Fairbairn, Catherine
Fairweather, Shorayne
Farnell, Joe
Fell, Mike
Fella, Stefano
Ferguson, Daniel
Finlay, Jonathan
Foley, Niamh
Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Foster, David
Foster, Joe
Foxen, Sarah
Fuller, Alex
Gadd, Eleanor
Garber, Joseph
Garraway, Antonia
Garton Grimwood, Gabrielle
Gay, Oonagh
Gheera, Manjit
Gill, Julie
Gill, Sandy
Gillard, David
Gillie, Christine
Goater, Aaron
Goddard, James
Godec, Samantha
Gold, Elaine
Gorb, Aleksandra
Gore, Donna
Gorman, Philip
Government Equalities Office
Gower, Melanie
Greenhead, John
Griffin, Peter
Harari, Daniel
Harker, Rachael
Harriss, Lydia
Hartwell-Naguib, Sarah
Hassan, Shabina
Haver, Stephen
Haves, Emily
Hawkins, Oliver
Haylen, Andrew
Heath, Sarah
Helsey, Melvyn
Hicks, Edward
Hicks, Marie Laure
Hinson, Suzanna
Hirst, David
Hobbs, Abbi
Holland, Sue
Home Office
Horne, Alexander
Hough, David
Hubble, Susan
Hughes, Dorothy
Hutton, Georgina
Jackson, Lydia
James, Maxine
Jap, Bess
Jarrett, Tim
Johnston, Neil
Jones, Antonia
Jones, Daisy
Jozepa, Ilze
Kar, Shipra
Karystinou, Marina
Keddie, Julia
Keen, Richard
Keep, Matthew
Kelly, Richard
Kennedy, Steven
Keter, Vincent
Kikvadze, Nodar
Lack, Dan
Lalic, Maria
Lang, Arabella
Lau, Henry
Leader of the House of Commons
Leader of the House of Lords
Lewis, Philip
Lightbown, Sean
Lipscombe, Sally
Little, Frances
Little, Paul
Loft, Philip
Long, Robert
Lord Chancellor
Lunn, Jon
Macdonald, Melissa
Mackley, Andrew
Maer, Lucinda
Maman, Raj
Marcus, Michael
Marley, Elizabeth
Maskell, Anne
McEnhill, Libby
McGuinness, Feargal
McGuinness, Terry
McInnes, Roderick
Mellows-Facer, Adam
Miller, Jack
Miller, Vaughne
Mills, Claire
Ministry of Defence
Ministry of Justice
Mirza Davies, James
Mor, Federico
Morgan, Bryn
Morrison, Kirsty
Moses, Anna
Moulton, Mo
Mummery, Hazel
Murphy, Chris
Nakatudde, Nambassa
Nash, Danielle
Nath, Chandrika
Newson, Nicola
Newton, Edward
Northern Ireland Office
O'Connell, Matthew
O'Donnell, Michael
Oneill, Marianne
Orzieri, Marc
Oshikoya, Modupe
Ota, Shiro
Owens, Catrin
Page, Marguerite
Page, Rob
Parker, Andrew
Parker, Jacky
Parkin, Elizabeth
Pepin, Sarah
Perks, Diana
Phelan, Olivia
Phillips, Karol
Pickett, Lewis
Pilbeam, Cheryl
Politowski, Ben
Pollock, Louie
Potiszil, Christian
Potton, Edward
Powell, Andy
Powell, Tom
Pratt, Alison
Preece, Tania
Priddy, Sarah
Priestley, Sara
Prime Minister
Purvis, Matthew
Pyper, Douglas
Ralph, Jamie
Rathbone, Daniel
Reilly, Ann
Rhodes, Chris
Rice, Kathleen
Richards, Patsy
Risbridger, Rebecca
Roberts, Nerys
Robinson, Julie
Robinson, Timothy
Rogers, Daniel
Rowley, Grace
Rutherford, Tom
Santo, Mary
Sargeant, Jess
Schlicht, Susan
Scotland Office
Scott, Edward
Seely, Antony
Simson Caird, Jack
Smith, Ben
Smith, Chris E
Smith, Keith
Smith, Louise
Smith, Paul P.
Solicitor General
Somerville, Anya
Steele, Selena
Stewart, Michael
Strickland, Pat
Sturge, Georgina
Sturt, Jenny
Suchenia, Agnieszka
Sutcliffe, Hannah
Sutherland, Nikki
Swaden-Lewis, Katie
Taylor, Anne
Taylor, Mark
Taylor, Russell
Teden, Sophie
Thomas, Liz
Thompson, Gavin
Thompson, Venetia
Thorne, Jacob
Thorpe, Maria
Thurley, Djuna
Tinkler, Jane
Tobin, James
Torrance, David
Towey, Catherine
Tudor, Sarah
Turley, Penny
Turner, Ross
Twigger, Bob
Tyler, Gloria
Uberoi, Elise
Vollmer, Patrick
Waitzman, Eren
Wales Office
Walker, Lindsay
Walker, Nigel
Ward, Matthew
Ward, Parthe
Ward, Philip
Ware, Richard
Watson, Christopher
Webb, Dominic
Wells, Daniel
Wentworth, Jonathan
Whaite, Katharine
Wheatley, Lynne
White, Carole
White, Isobel
White, Samuel
Wilkins, Hannah
Wilson, Wendy
Winchester, Nicole
Wood, Jonathan
Woodhouse, John
Yousaf, Siama
Zaczkiewicz, Daniel
Zayed, Yago
Zelinger, Andrew