
Treaty Party Taken on Effective on
International Union for the Publication of Customs Tariffs URUGUAY 10 February 1891
International Union for the Publication of Customs Tariffs NEW ZEALAND 1 July 1906
International Union for the Publication of Customs Tariffs CHINA 21 September 1931
Treaty of Peace between the Allied and Associated Powers and Germany ARGENTINA 26 September 1933
International Union for the Publication of Customs Tariffs AUSTRALIA 1 June 1935
International Union for the Publication of Customs Tariffs RUSSIA 27 January 1936
Universal Postal Union Agreement concerning Insured Letters and Boxes YUGOSLAVIA 26 June 1937
International Union for the Publication of Customs Tariffs SALVADOR 1 January 1939
International Convention relating to International Exhibitions UNITED KINGDOM 2 September 1949
International Convention relating to International Exhibitions NETHERLANDS THE 8 January 1951
International Convention relating to International Exhibitions CANADA 8 November 1951
International Convention relating to International Exhibitions SOVIET UNION 9 June 1959
International Convention relating to International Exhibitions CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1 April 1960
International Convention relating to International Exhibitions POLAND 4 April 1960
International Convention relating to International Exhibitions ROUMANIA 5 April 1960
International Union for the Publication of Customs Tariffs NICARAGUA 20 February 1963
Agreement for the Establishment, in Paris, of an International Wine Office, with Protocol of Signature NETHERLANDS THE 20 February 1963
International Convention relating to International Exhibitions SPAIN 3 November 1971 3 December 1972
Statute of the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law [UNIDROIT] LUXEMBOURG 10 September 1973
International Convention relating to International Exhibitions AUSTRALIA 27 September 1973
Statute of the Council of Europe GREECE 28 November 1974
International Convention for the Unification of certain Rules concerning the Immunity of State-owned Ships Brussels, 10 April 1926 with Supplementary Protocol POLAND 16 July 1976
Instrument for the Amendment of the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 18 February 1980
Statute of the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law [UNIDROIT] CHILE 26 April 1982 12 May 1982
Convention for the Establishment of a European Organization for Nuclear Research (with Financial Protocol) SPAIN 15 November 1983
Convention Establishing a Customs Co-operation Council CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC 28 July 1985 28 July 1986
International Union for the Publication of Customs Tariffs COLOMBIA 2 March 1989 1 April 1989
Protocol modifying the Convention of 5th July, 1890 concerning the creation of an International Union for the Publication of Customs Tariffs, the Regulations for the Execution of the Convention instituting an International Bureau for the Publication of Customs Tariffs and Memorandum of Signature COLOMBIA 2 March 1989 1 April 1989
Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO 26 August 1998
Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights GUYANA 5 January 1999