Voting: 04-07-1892 - 26-07-1892
- Bradford Labour Union (1 election)
- Conservative (423 elections)
- Independent (1 election)
- Independent Conservative (3 elections)
- Independent Labour (9 elections)
- Independent Liberal (3 elections)
- Independent Liberal and Direct Veto (1 election)
- Independent Liberal Unionist (1 election)
- Independent Nationalist (2 elections)
- Irish National Federation (86 elections)
- Irish Nationalist (1 election)
- Irish National League (43 elections)
- Irish Unionist (49 elections)
- Kindardineshire Church Defence (1 election)
- Labour Union (1 election)
- Liberal (505 elections)
- Liberal and Crofters (5 elections)
- Liberal-Labour (24 elections)
- Liberal Unionist (136 elections)
- Perth Liberal and Radical Association (1 election)
- Scottish Labour (3 elections)
- Scottish United Trades Councils Labour (3 elections)
- Scottish United Trades Councils Labour and Scottish Socialist (1 election)
- Social Democratic Federation (2 elections)
- Speaker (1 election)