Voting: 24-11-1885 - 18-12-1885
- Conservative (529 elections)
- Hamilton Liberal Association (1 election)
- Independent (5 elections)
- Independent Conservative (8 elections)
- Independent Liberal (34 elections)
- Independent Liberal and Crofters (6 elections)
- Independent Liberal-Labour (3 elections)
- Independent Nationalist (1 election)
- Irish Conservative (67 elections)
- Irish Loyal and Patriotic Union (6 elections)
- Irish Nationalist (2 elections)
- Irish Parliamentary (90 elections)
- Jarrow Radical and Labour Representation League (1 election)
- Liberal (555 elections)
- Liberal-Conservative (1 election)
- Liberal-Labour (18 elections)
- Scottish Farmers' Alliance (1 election)
- Scottish Land Restoration (5 elections)
- Social Democratic Federation (3 elections)
- Speaker (1 election)
- Wick Radical Workingmen's Association (1 election)