UK Parliament — House of Commons

All versions resulting from major revisions for Order ID:101.

Date Title Text
1902 — 29th April 47 Standing committees on Law and Courts of Justice, Trade, &c.

(1) That two Standing Committees be appointed for the consideration of all Bills relating to Law and Courts of Justice and Legal Procedure, and to Trade, Shipping, and Manufactures, which may, by Order of The House, in each case, be committed to them; and the procedure in such Committees shall be the same as in a Select Committee, unless The House shall otherwise order: Provided, That strangers shall be admitted, except when the Committee shall order them to withdraw. Provided also, That the said Committees shall be excluded from the operation of the Standing Order of July 21st, 1856, and the said Committee shall not sit, whilst The House is sitting, without the order of The House: Provided also, That any Notice of Amendment to any Clause in a Bill which may be committed to a Standing Committee, given by any honourable Member in the House, shall stand referred to such Committee: Provided also, That Twenty be the Quorum of such Standing Committees.

1902 — 2nd May 47 Standing committees on Law and Courts of Justice, Trade, &c.

(1) That two Standing Committees be appointed for the consideration of all Bills relating to Law and Courts of Justice and Legal Procedure, and to Trade, Shipping, and Manufactures, which may, by Order of The House, in each case, be committed to them; and the procedure in such Committees shall be the same as in a Select Committee, unless The House shall otherwise order: Provided, That strangers shall be admitted, except when the Committee shall order them to withdraw, and the said Committees shall not sit after a quarter past Two of the clock whilst the House is sitting without the Order of the House. Provided also, That any Notice of Amendment to any Clause in a Bill which may be committed to a Standing Committee, given by any honourable Member in the House, shall stand referred to such Committee: Provided also, That Twenty be the Quorum of such Standing Committees.

1906 — 3rd April 47 Constitution of standing committees for bills relating to law, trade, &c.

(1) Two standing committees shall be appointed for the consideration of all bills relating to law and courts of justice and legal procedure, and to trade, shipping, and manufactures, which may by order of the house in each case, be committed to them; and the procedure in such committees shall be the same as in a select committee, unless the house shall otherwise order: provided, that strangers shall be admitted, except when the committee shall order them to withdraw; and the said committees shall not sit, after a quarter past two of the clock, whilst the house is sitting, without the order of the house: provided also, that any notice of amendment to any clause in a bill which may be committed to a standing committee, given by any honourable member in the house, shall stand referred to such committee: provided also, that twenty be the quorum of such standing committees.

1906 — 12th December 47 Constitution of standing committees for bills relating to law, trade, &c.

(1) Two standing committees shall be appointed for the consideration of all bills relating to law and courts of justice and legal procedure, and to trade, shipping, and manufactures, which may by order of the house in each case, be committed to them; and the procedure in such committees shall be the same as in a select committee, unless the house shall otherwise order: provided, that strangers shall be admitted, except when the committee shall order them to withdraw; and the said committees shall not sit, after three of the clock, whilst the house is sitting, without the order of the house: provided also, that any notice of amendment to any clause in a bill which may be committed to a standing committee, given by any honourable member in the house, shall stand referred to such committee: provided also, that twenty be the quorum of such standing committees.

1907 — 16th April 47 Constitution of standing committees

(1) Four standing committees shall be appointed for the consideration of all bills committed to them; and the procedure in such committees shall be the same as in a select committee, unless the house shall otherwise order: provided that strangers shall be admitted, except when the committee shall order them to withdraw; and the said committees shall not sit whilst the house is sitting, except in pursuance of a resolution of the committee, moved by the member in charge of the bill before the committee, and decided without amendment or debate, and shall not sit after four p.m. without the order of the house: provided also, that any notice of amendment to any clause in a bill which may be committed to a standing committee, given by any honourable member in the house, shall stand referred to such committee: provided also, that twenty be the quorum of such standing committees.

(2) One of the standing committees shall be appointed for the consideration of all public bills relating exclusively to Scotland and committed to a standing committee, and shall consist of all the members representing Scottish constituencies, together with not more than fifteen other members to be nominated in respect of any bill by the committee of selection, who shall have regard in such nomination to the approximation of the balance of parties in the committee to that in the whole house, and shall have power from time to time to discharge, for non-attendance or at their own request, the members so nominated by them, and to appoint others in substitution for those discharged.

(3) Subject as aforesaid the bills committed to a standing committee shall be distributed among the committees by Mr. Speaker.

(4) In all but one of the standing committees government bills shall have precedence.

(5) Standing order 19 (as to irrelevance and repetition) and standing orders 26 and 27 (as to closure) shall apply to standing committees, with the substitution in standing order 26 of the chairman of the committee for the chairman of ways and means, and, in standing order 27 of 20 for 100 as the number necessary to render the majority effective for the closure, and the chairman of a standing committee shall have the like powers as the chairman of a committee of the whole house has under standing order 23 (as to dilatory motions).

1918 — 13th February 47 Constitution of standing committees

(1) Four standing committees shall be appointed for the consideration of all bills committed to them; and the procedure in such committees shall be the same as in a select committee, unless the house shall otherwise order: provided that strangers shall be admitted, except when the committee shall order them to withdraw; and the said committees shall not sit, whilst the house is sitting, except in pursuance of a resolution of the committee, moved by the member in charge of the bill before the committee, and decided without amendment or debate, and shall not sit after four p.m., without the order of the house: provided also, that any notice of amendment to any clause in a bill which may be committed to a standing committee, given by any honourable member in the house, shall stand referred to such committee: provided also, that twenty be the quorum of such standing committees.

(2) One of the standing committees shall be appointed for the consideration of all public bills relating exclusively to Scotland and committed to a standing committee, and shall consist of all the members representing Scottish constituencies, together with not more than fifteen other members to be nominated in respect of any bill by the committee of selection, who shall have regard in such nomination to the approximation of the balance of parties in the committee to that in the whole house, and shall have power from time to time to discharge, for non-attendance or at their own request, the members so nominated by them, and to appoint others in substitution for those discharged.

(3) Subject as aforesaid the bills committed to a standing committee shall be distributed among the committees by Mr. Speaker.

(4) In all but one of the standing committees government bills shall have precedence.

(5) Standing order 19 (as to irrelevance and repetition) and standing orders 26 and 27 (as to closure) shall apply to standing committees, with the substitution in standing order 26 of the chairman of the committee for the chairman of ways and means, and, in standing order 27 of 20 for 100 as the number necessary to render the majority effective for the closure, and the chairman of a standing committee shall have the like powers as the chairman of a committee of the whole house has under standing order 23 (as to dilatory motions).

1922 — 21st June 47 Constitution of standing committees

(1) Six standing committees shall be appointed for the consideration of bills or other business referred to a standing committee, and the procedure in those committees shall be the same as in a select committee unless the house otherwise order. Standing committees may sit during the sitting, and notwithstanding any adjournment of the house. On a division being called in the house, the chairman of a standing committee shall suspend the proceedings in the committee for such time as will, in his opinion, enable members to vote in the division. Any notice of amendment to a bill which has been committed to a standing committee shall stand referred to the standing committee. The quorum of a standing committee shall be twenty. Strangers shall be admitted to the standing committee except when the committee shall order them to withdraw.

(2) One of the standing committees shall be appointed for the consideration of all public bills relating exclusively to Scotland and committed to a standing committee, and shall consist of all the members representing Scottish constituencies, together with not less than ten nor more than fifteen other members to be nominated in respect of any bill by the committee of selection, who shall have regard in such nomination to the approximation of the balance of parties in the committee to that in the whole house, and shall have power from time to time to discharge, for non-attendance or at their own request, the members so nominated by them, and to appoint others in substitution for those discharged.

(3) Subject as aforesaid the bills committed to a standing committee shall be distributed among the committees by Mr. Speaker.

(4) In all but one of the standing committees government bills shall have precedence.

(5) Standing order No. 19 (as to irrelevance and repetition) and standing orders Nos. 26 and 27 (as to closure) shall apply to standing committees, with the substitution in standing order No. 26 of the chairman of the committee for the chairman of ways and means, and, in standing order No. 27 of 20 for 100 as the number necessary to render the majority effective for the closure, and the chairman of a standing committee shall have the like powers as the chairman of a committee of the whole house has under standing order No. 23 (as to dilatory motions).

1929 — 24th July 47 Constitution of standing committees

(1) Five standing committees shall be appointed for the consideration of bills or other business referred to a standing committee, and the procedure in those committees shall be the same as in a select committee unless the house otherwise order. Standing committees may sit during the sitting, and notwithstanding any adjournment of the house. On a division being called in the house, the chairman of a standing committee shall suspend the proceedings in the committee for such time as will, in his opinion, enable members to vote in the division. Any notice of amendment to a bill which has been committed to a standing committee shall stand referred to the standing committee. The quorum of a standing committee shall be twenty. Strangers shall be admitted to the standing committee except when the committee shall order them to withdraw.

(2) One of the standing committees shall be appointed for the consideration of all public bills relating exclusively to Scotland and committed to a standing committee, and shall consist of all the members representing Scottish constituencies, together with not less than ten nor more than fifteen other members to be nominated in respect of any bill by the committee of selection, who shall have regard in such nomination to the approximation of the balance of parties in the committee to that in the whole house, and shall have power from time to time to discharge, for non-attendance or at their own request, the members so nominated by them, and to appoint others in substitution for those discharged.

(3) Subject as aforesaid the bills committed to a standing committee shall be distributed among the committees by Mr. Speaker.

(4) In all but one of the standing committees government bills shall have precedence.

(5) Standing order No. 19 (as to irrelevance and repetition) and standing orders Nos. 26 and 27 (as to closure) shall apply to standing committees, with the substitution in standing order No. 26 of the chairman of the committee for the chairman of ways and means, and, in standing order No. 27 of 20 for 100 as the number necessary to render the majority effective for the closure, and the chairman of a standing committee shall have the like powers as the chairman of a committee of the whole house has under standing order No. 23 (as to dilatory motions).

1933 — 14th November 47 Constitution of standing committees

(1) Not more than five standing committees shall be appointed for the consideration of bills or other business referred to a standing committee, and the procedure in those committees shall be the same as in a select committee unless the House otherwise order. On a division being called in the House, the chairman of a standing committee shall suspend the proceedings in the committee for such time as will, in his opinion, enable members to vote in the division. Any notice of amendment to a bill which has been committed to a standing committee shall stand referred to the standing committee. The quorum of a standing committee shall be twenty. Strangers shall be admitted to a standing committee except when the committee shall order them to withdraw.

(2) One of the standing committees shall be appointed for the consideration of all public bills relating exclusively to Scotland and committed to a standing committee, and shall consist of all the members representing Scottish constituencies, together with not less than ten nor more than fifteen other members to be nominated in respect of any bill by the committee of selection, who shall have regard in such nomination to the approximation of the balance of parties in the committee to that in the whole House, and shall have power from time to time to discharge, for non-attendance or at their own request, the members so nominated by them, and to appoint others in substitution for those discharged.

(3) Subject as aforesaid the bills committed to a standing committee shall be distributed among the committees by Mr. Speaker.

(4) In all but one of the standing committees government bills shall have precedence.

(5) Standing order No. 18 (as to irrelevance and repetition) and standing orders Nos. 26 (1), (2), (3) and (4) and 27 (as to closure) shall apply to standing committees, with the substitution in standing order No. 26 of the chairman of the committee for the chair, and, in standing order No. 27 of 20 for 100 as the number necessary to render the majority effective for the closure, and the chairman of a standing committee shall have the like powers as the chairman has under standing order No. 22 (as to dilatory motions).

(6) All standing committees shall have leave to print and circulate with the votes the minutes of their proceedings and any amended clauses of bills committed to them.

1947 — 5th March 47 Constitution of standing committees

(1) Not more than five standing committees shall be appointed for the consideration of bills or other business referred to a standing committee, and the procedure in those committees shall be the same as in a select committee unless the House otherwise order. On a division being called in the House, the chairman of a standing committee shall suspend the proceedings in the committee for such time as will, in his opinion, enable members to vote in the division. Any notice of amendment to a bill which has been committed to a standing committee shall stand referred to the standing committee. The quorum of a standing committee shall be twenty. Strangers shall be admitted to a standing committee except when the committee shall order them to withdraw.

(2) One of the standing committees shall be appointed for the consideration of all public bills relating exclusively to Scotland and committed to a standing committee, and shall consist of all the members representing Scottish constituencies, together with not less than ten nor more than fifteen other members to be nominated in respect of any bill by the committee of selection, who shall have regard in such nomination to the approximation of the balance of parties in the committee to that in the whole House, and shall have power from time to time to discharge, for non-attendance or at their own request, the members so nominated by them, and to appoint others in substitution for those discharged.

(3) Subject as aforesaid the bills committed to a standing committee shall be distributed among the committees by Mr. Speaker.

(4) In all but one of the standing committees government bills shall have precedence.

(5) Standing order No. 18 (as to irrelevance and repetition) and standing orders Nos. 26 (1), (2), (3) and (4) and 27 (as to closure) shall apply to standing committees, with the substitution in standing order No. 26 of the chairman of the committee for the chair, and, in standing order No. 27 of 20 for 100 as the number necessary to render the majority effective for the closure, and the chairman of a standing committee shall have the like powers as the chairman has under standing order No. 22 (as to dilatory motions), and under standing order No. 28 (as to selection of amendments).

(6) All standing committees shall have leave to print and circulate with the votes the minutes of their proceedings and any amended clauses of bills committed to them.

1947 — 17th December 47 Constitution of standing committees

(1) As many standing committees shall be appointed as may be necessary for the consideration of bills or other business committed to a standing committee, and the procedure in those committees shall be the same as in a select committee unless the House otherwise order. On a division being called in the House, the chairman of a standing committee shall suspend the proceedings in the committee for such time as will, in his opinion, enable members to vote in the division. Any notice of amendment to a bill which has been committed to a standing committee shall stand referred to the standing committee. The quorum of a standing committee shall be fifteen. Strangers shall be admitted to a standing committee except when the committee shall order them to withdraw.

(2) One of the standing committees shall be appointed for the consideration of all public bills relating exclusively to Scotland and committed to a standing committee, and shall consist of all the members representing Scottish constituencies, together with not less than ten nor more than fifteen other members to be nominated in respect of any bill by the committee of selection, who shall have regard in such nomination to the approximation of the balance of parties in the committee to that in the whole House, and shall have power from time to time to discharge, for non-attendance or at their own request, the members so nominated by them, and to appoint others in substitution for those discharged.

(3) Subject as aforesaid the bills committed to a standing committee shall be distributed among the committees by Mr. Speaker.

(4) In all but one of the standing committees government bills shall have precedence.

(5) Standing order No. 18 (as to irrelevance and repetition) and standing orders Nos. 26 (1), (2), (3) and (4) and 27 (as to closure) shall apply to standing committees, with the substitution in standing order No. 26 of the chairman of the committee for the chair, and, in standing order No. 27 of 20 for 100 as the number necessary to render the majority effective for the closure, and the chairman of a standing committee shall have the like powers as the chairman has under standing order No. 22 (as to dilatory motions), and under standing order No. 28 (as to selection of amendments).

(6) All standing committees shall have leave to print and circulate with the votes the minutes of their proceedings and any amended clauses of bills committed to them.

1948 — 28th April 47 Constitution of standing committees

(1) As many standing committees shall be appointed as may be necessary for the consideration of bills or other business committed to a standing committee, and the procedure in those committees shall be the same as in a select committee unless the House otherwise order. On a division being called in the House, the chairman of a standing committee shall suspend the proceedings in the committee for such time as will, in his opinion, enable members to vote in the division. Any notice of amendment to a bill which has been committed to a standing committee shall stand referred to the standing committee. The quorum of a standing committee shall be fifteen. Strangers shall be admitted to a standing committee except when the committee shall order them to withdraw.

(2) One of the standing committees shall be appointed for the consideration of all public bills or other business relating exclusively to Scotland and referred or committed to a standing committee, and shall consist of all the members representing Scottish constituencies, together with not less than ten nor more than fifteen other members to be nominated in respect of any bill or other business by the committee of selection, who shall have regard in such nomination to the approximation of the balance of parties in the committee to that in the whole House, and shall have power from time to time to discharge, for non-attendance or at their own request, the members so nominated by them, and to appoint others in substitution for those discharged.

(3) Subject as aforesaid the bills committed to a standing committee shall be distributed among the committees by Mr. Speaker.

(4) In all but one of the standing committees government bills shall have precedence.

(5) Standing order No. 18 (as to irrelevance and repetition) and standing orders Nos. 26 (1), (2), (3) and (4) and 27 (as to closure) shall apply to standing committees, with the substitution in standing order No. 26 of the chairman of the committee for the chair, and, in standing order No. 27 of 20 for 100 as the number necessary to render the majority effective for the closure, and the chairman of a standing committee shall have the like powers as the chairman has under standing order No. 22 (as to dilatory motions), and under standing order No. 28 (as to selection of amendments).

(6) All standing committees shall have leave to print and circulate with the votes the minutes of their proceedings and any amended clauses of bills committed to them.

1950 — 20th November 57 Standing committees (constitution and powers)

(1) As many standing committees shall be appointed as may be necessary for the consideration of bills or other business committed or referred to a standing committee. Any notice of an amendment to a bill which has been committed to a standing committee shall stand referred to the committee. The quorum of a standing committee shall be fifteen. Strangers shall be admitted to a standing committee unless the committee otherwise order.

(2) Subject to the provisions of standing order no. 59 (Scottish standing committee), the bills committed to a standing committee shall be distributed among the committees by Mr. Speaker.

(3) In all but one of the standing committees government bills shall have precedence.

(4) Government bills allocated to a particular standing committee shall be considered in whatever order His Majesty's ministers may decide.

(5) Standing orders no. 45 (Debate on clause standing part), no. 70 (Entry on the minutes of proceedings of a select committee), no. 71 (Entry on the minutes of evidence of a select committee), no. 72 (Minutes of proceedings to be brought up with report of a select committee), and no. 74 (Quorum of a select committee), paragraphs (1), (2), (3) and (4) of standing order no. 29 (Closure of debate) and standing order no. 30 (Majority for closure) shall apply to standing committees with the substitution in standing order no. 29 (Closure of debate) of the word 'chairman' for the word 'chair,' and, in standing order no. 30 (Majority for closure), of twenty for one hundred as the number necessary to render the majority effective for the closure, and the chairman of a standing committee shall have the like powers as the chairman of ways and means has under standing orders no. 20 (Irrelevance or repetition), no. 26 (Dilatory motion in abuse of rules of House), no. 45 (Debate on clause standing part) and no. 31 (Selection of amendments).

(6) On a division being called in the House, the chairman of a standing committee shall suspend the proceedings in the committee for such time as will, in his opinion, enable members to vote in the division.

(7) All standing committees shall have leave to print and circulate with the votes the minutes of their proceedings and clauses of bills as amended by them.

1951 — 6th December 57 Standing committees (constitution and powers)

(1) As many standing committees shall be appointed as may be necessary for the consideration of bills or other business committed or referred to a standing committee. Any notice of an amendment to a bill which has been committed to a standing committee shall stand referred to the committee. The quorum of a standing committee shall be fifteen. Strangers shall be admitted to a standing committee unless the committee otherwise order.

(2) Subject to the provisions of Standing Order No. 59 (Scottish Standing Committee), the bills committed to a standing committee shall be distributed among the committees by Mr. Speaker.

(3) In all but one of the standing committees government bills shall have precedence.

(4) Government bills allocated to a particular standing committee shall be considered in whatever order His Majesty's Ministers may decide.

(5) Standing Orders No. 45 (Debate on clause standing part), No. 70 (Entry on minutes of proceedings of select committee), No. 71 (Entry on minutes of evidence of select committee), No. 72 (Minutes of proceedings to be brought up with report of select committee), and No. 74 (Quorum of select committee), paragraphs (1), (2), (3) and (4) of Standing Order No. 29 (Closure of debate) and Standing Order No. 30 (Majority for closure) shall apply to standing committees with the substitution in Standing Order No. 29 (Closure of debate) of the word 'chairman' for the word 'chair,' and, in Standing Order No. 30 (Majority for closure), of twenty for one hundred as the number necessary to render the majority effective for the closure, and the chairman of a standing committee shall have the like powers as the Chairman of Ways and Means has under Standing Orders No. 20 (Irrelevance or repetition), No. 26 (Dilatory motion in abuse of rules of House), No. 45 (Debate on clause standing part) and No. 31 (Selection of amendments).

(6) On a division being called in the House, the chairman of a standing committee shall suspend the proceedings in the committee for such time as will, in his opinion, enable Members to vote in the division.

(7) All standing committees shall have leave to print and circulate with the Votes the minutes of their proceedings and clauses of bills as amended by them.

1957 — 6th November 57 Standing committees (constitution and powers)

(1) As many standing committees shall be appointed as may be necessary for the consideration of bills or other business committed or referred to a standing committee. Any notice of an amendment to a bill which has been committed to a standing committee shall stand referred to the committee. The quorum of a standing committee shall be fifteen. Strangers shall be admitted to a standing committee unless the committee otherwise order.

(2) Subject to the provisions of Standing Order No. 59 (Scottish Standing Committee), the bills committed to a standing committee shall be distributed among the committees by Mr. Speaker.

(3) In all but one of the standing committees government bills shall have precedence.

(4) Government bills allocated to a particular standing committee shall be considered in whatever order Her Majesty's Ministers may decide.

(5) Standing Orders No. 45 (Debate on clause standing part), No. 70 (Entry on minutes of proceedings of select committee), No. 71 (Entry on minutes of evidence of select committee), No. 72 (Minutes of proceedings to be brought up with report of select committee), and No. 74 (Quorum of select committee), paragraphs (1), (2), (3) and (4) of Standing Order No. 29 (Closure of debate) and Standing Order No. 30 (Majority for closure) shall apply to standing committees with the substitution in Standing Order No. 29 (Closure of debate) of the word 'chairman' for the word 'chair,' and, in Standing Order No. 30 (Majority for closure), of twenty for one hundred as the number necessary to render the majority effective for the closure, and the chairman of a standing committee shall have the like powers as the Chairman of Ways and Means has under Standing Orders No. 20 (Irrelevance or repetition), No. 26 (Dilatory motion in abuse of rules of House), No. 45 (Debate on clause standing part) and No. 31 (Selection of amendments).

(6) On a division being called in the House, the chairman of a standing committee shall suspend the proceedings in the committee for such time as will, in his opinion, enable Members to vote in the division.

(7) All standing committees shall have leave to print and circulate with the Votes the minutes of their proceedings and clauses of bills as amended by them.

1957 — 18th December 57 Standing committees (constitution and powers)

(1) As many standing committees shall be appointed as may be necessary for the consideration of bills or other business committed or referred to a standing committee. Any notice of an amendment to a bill which has been committed to a standing committee shall stand referred to the committee. The quorum of a standing committee of forty-five or more members shall be fifteen and of a standing committee of less than forty-five members shall be twelve. Strangers shall be admitted to a standing committee unless the committee otherwise order.

(2) Subject to the provisions of Standing Order No. 59 (Scottish Standing Committee), the bills committed to a standing committee shall be distributed among the committees by Mr. Speaker.

(3) In all but one of the standing committees government bills shall have precedence.

(4) Government bills allocated to a particular standing committee shall be considered in whatever order Her Majesty's Ministers may decide.

(5) Standing Orders No. 45 (Debate on clause standing part), No. 70 (Entry on minutes of proceedings of select committee), No. 71 (Entry on minutes of evidence of select committee), No. 72 (Minutes of proceedings to be brought up with report of select committee), and No. 74 (Quorum of select committee), paragraphs (1), (2), (3) and (4) of Standing Order No. 29 (Closure of debate) and Standing Order No. 30 (Majority for closure) shall apply to standing committees with the substitution in Standing Order No. 29 (Closure of debate) of the word 'chairman' for the word 'chair,' and, in Standing Order No. 30 (Majority for closure), of the number prescribed by paragraph (1) of this order as the quorum for one hundred as the number necessary to render the majority effective for the closure, and the chairman of a standing committee shall have the like powers as the Chairman of Ways and Means has under Standing Orders No. 20 (Irrelevance or repetition), No. 26 (Dilatory motion in abuse of rules of House), No. 45 (Debate on clause standing part) and No. 31 (Selection of amendments).

(6) On a division being called in the House, the chairman of a standing committee shall suspend the proceedings in the committee for such time as will, in his opinion, enable Members to vote in the division.

(7) All standing committees shall have leave to print and circulate with the Votes the minutes of their proceedings and clauses of bills as amended by them.

1960 — 10th February 57 Standing committees (constitution and powers)

(1) As many standing committees shall be appointed as may be necessary for the consideration of bills or other business committed or referred to a standing committee. Any notice of an amendment to a bill which has been committed to a standing committee shall stand referred to the committee. The quorum of a standing committee shall be one third of the number of its members excluding the chairman, and in calculating the quorum fractions shall be counted as one. Strangers shall be admitted to a standing committee unless the committee otherwise order.

(2) Subject to the provisions of Standing Order No. 59 (Scottish Standing Committee), the bills committed to a standing committee shall be distributed among the committees by Mr. Speaker.

(3) In all but one of the standing committees government bills shall have precedence.

(4) Government bills allocated to a particular standing committee shall be considered in whatever order Her Majesty's Ministers may decide.

(5) Standing Orders No. 45 (Debate on clause standing part), No. 70 (Entry on minutes of proceedings of select committee), No. 71 (Entry on minutes of evidence of select committee), No. 72 (Minutes of proceedings to be brought up with report of select committee), and No. 74 (Quorum of select committee), paragraphs (1), (2), (3) and (4) of Standing Order No. 29 (Closure of debate) and Standing Order No. 30 (Majority for closure) shall apply to standing committees with the substitution in Standing Order No. 29 (Closure of debate) of the word 'chairman' for the word 'chair,' and, in Standing Order No. 30 (Majority for closure), of the number prescribed by paragraph (1) of this order as the quorum for one hundred as the number necessary to render the majority effective for the closure, and the chairman of a standing committee shall have the like powers as the Chairman of Ways and Means has under Standing Orders No. 20 (Irrelevance or repetition), No. 26 (Dilatory motion in abuse of rules of House), No. 45 (Debate on clause standing part) and No. 31 (Selection of amendments).

(6) On a division being called in the House, the chairman of a standing committee shall suspend the proceedings in the committee for such time as will, in his opinion, enable Members to vote in the division.

(7) All standing committees shall have leave to print and circulate with the Votes the minutes of their proceedings and clauses of bills as amended by them.

1960 — 2nd November 57 Standing committees (constitution and powers)

(1) As many standing committees shall be appointed as may be necessary for the consideration of bills or other business committed or referred to a standing committee. Any notice of an amendment to a bill which has been committed to a standing committee shall stand referred to the committee. The quorum of a standing committee shall be seventeen or one third of the number of its members excluding the chairman, whichever is the less; and in calculating the quorum fractions shall be counted as one. Strangers shall be admitted to a standing committee unless the committee otherwise order.

(2) Subject to the provisions of Standing Order No. 59 (Scottish Standing Committee), the bills committed to a standing committee shall be distributed among the committees by Mr. Speaker.

(3) In all but one of the standing committees government bills shall have precedence.

(4) Government bills allocated to a particular standing committee shall be considered in whatever order Her Majesty's Ministers may decide.

(5) Standing Orders No. 45 (Debate on clause standing part), No. 70 (Entry on minutes of proceedings of select committee), No. 71 (Entry on minutes of evidence of select committee), No. 72 (Minutes of proceedings to be brought up with report of select committee), and No. 74 (Quorum of select committee), paragraphs (1), (2), (3) and (4) of Standing Order No. 29 (Closure of debate) and Standing Order No. 30 (Majority for closure) shall apply to standing committees with the substitution in Standing Order No. 29 (Closure of debate) of the word 'chairman' for the word 'chair,' and, in Standing Order No. 30 (Majority for closure), of the number prescribed by paragraph (1) of this order as the quorum for one hundred as the number necessary to render the majority effective for the closure, and the chairman of a standing committee shall have the like powers as the Chairman of Ways and Means has under Standing Orders No. 20 (Irrelevance or repetition), No. 26 (Dilatory motion in abuse of rules of House), No. 45 (Debate on clause standing part) and No. 31 (Selection of amendments).

(6) On a division being called in the House, the chairman of a standing committee shall suspend the proceedings in the committee for such time as will, in his opinion, enable Members to vote in the division.

(7) All standing committees shall have leave to print and circulate with the Votes the minutes of their proceedings and clauses of bills as amended by them.

1965 — 27th October 59 Standing committees (constitution and powers)

(1) As many standing committees shall be appointed as may be necessary for the consideration of bills or other business committed or referred to a standing committee. Any notice of an amendment to a bill which has been committed to a standing committee shall stand referred to the committee. The quorum of a standing committee shall be seventeen or one third of the number of its members excluding the chairman, whichever is the less; and in calculating the quorum fractions shall be counted as one. Strangers shall be admitted to a standing committee unless the committee otherwise order.

(2) Subject to the provisions of Standing Order No. 61 (Scottish Standing Committee), the bills committed to a standing committee shall be distributed among the committees by Mr. Speaker.

(3) In all but one of the standing committees government bills shall have precedence.

(4) Government bills allocated to a particular standing committee shall be considered in whatever order Her Majesty's Ministers may decide.

(5) Standing Orders No. 47 (Debate on clause stand part), No. 73 (Entry on minutes of proceedings of select committee), No. 74 (Entry on minutes of evidence of select committee), No. 75 (Minutes of proceedings to be brought up with report of select committee), and No. 77 (Quorum of select committee), paragraphs (1), (2) and (3) of Standing Order No. 31 (Closure of debate) and Standing Order No. 32 (Majority for closure) shall apply to standing committees with the substitution in Standing Order No. 31 (Closure of debate) of the word 'chairman' for the word 'chair,' and, in Standing Order No. 32 (Majority for closure), of the number prescribed by paragraph (1) of this order as the quorum for one hundred as the number necessary to render the majority effective for the closure, and the chairman of a standing committee shall have the like powers as the Chairman of Ways and Means has under Standing Orders No. 22 (Irrelevance or repetition), No. 28 (Dilatory motion in abuse of rules of House), No. 47 (Debate on clause standing part) and No. 33 (Selection of amendments).

(6) On a division being called in the House, the chairman of a standing committee shall suspend the proceedings in the committee for such time as will, in his opinion, enable Members to vote in the division.

(7) All standing committees shall have leave to print and circulate with the Votes the minutes of their proceedings and clauses of bills as amended by them.

1968 — 22nd February 59 Standing committees (constitution and powers)

(1) As many standing committees shall be appointed as may be necessary for the consideration of bills or other business committed or referred to a standing committee. Any notice of an amendment to a bill which has been committed to a standing committee shall stand referred to the committee. The quorum of a standing committee shall be seventeen or one third of the number of its members excluding the chairman, whichever is the less; and in calculating the quorum fractions shall be counted as one. Strangers shall be admitted to a standing committee unless the committee otherwise order.

(2) Subject to the provisions of Standing Order No. 61 (Scottish Standing Committee), the bills committed to a standing committee shall be distributed among the committees by Mr. Speaker.

(3) In all but one of the standing committees government bills shall have precedence.

(4) Government bills allocated to a particular standing committee shall be considered in whatever order Her Majesty's Ministers may decide.

(5) Standing Orders No. 47 (Debate on clause or schedule standing part), No. 73 (Entry on minutes of proceedings of select committee), No. 74 (Entry on minutes of evidence of select committee), No. 75 (Minutes of proceedings to be brought up with report of select committee), and No. 77 (Quorum of select committee), paragraphs (1), (2) and (3) of Standing Order No. 31 (Closure of debate) and Standing Order No. 32 (Majority for closure) shall apply to standing committees with the substitution in Standing Order No. 31 (Closure of debate) of the word 'chairman' for the word 'chair,' and, in Standing Order No. 32 (Majority for closure), of the number prescribed by paragraph (1) of this order as the quorum for one hundred as the number necessary to render the majority effective for the closure, and the chairman of a standing committee shall have the like powers as the Chairman of Ways and Means has under Standing Orders No. 22 (Irrelevance or repetition), No. 28 (Dilatory motion in abuse of rules of House), No. 47 (Debate on clause standing part) and No. 33 (Selection of amendments).

(6) On a division being called in the House, the chairman of a standing committee shall suspend the proceedings in the committee for such time as will, in his opinion, enable Members to vote in the division.

(7) All standing committees shall have leave to print and circulate with the Votes the minutes of their proceedings and clauses of bills as amended by them.

1971 — 21st January 59 Standing committees (constitution and powers)

(1) As many standing committees shall be appointed as may be necessary for the consideration of bills or other business committed or referred to a standing committee. Any notice of an amendment to a bill which has been committed to a standing committee shall stand referred to the committee. The quorum of a standing committee shall be seventeen or one third of the number of its members excluding the chairman, whichever is the less; and in calculating the quorum fractions shall be counted as one. Strangers shall be admitted to a standing committee unless the committee otherwise order.

(2) Subject to the provisions of Standing Order No. 61 (Scottish Standing Committees), the bills committed to a standing committee shall be distributed among the committees by Mr. Speaker.

(3) In all but one of the standing committees government bills shall have precedence.

(4) Government bills allocated to a particular standing committee shall be considered in whatever order Her Majesty's Ministers may decide.

(5) Standing Orders No. 47 (Debate on clause or schedule standing part), No. 73 (Entry on minutes of proceedings of select committee), No. 74 (Entry on minutes of evidence of select committee), No. 75 (Minutes of proceedings to be brought up with report of select committee), and No. 77 (Quorum of select committee), paragraphs (1), (2) and (3) of Standing Order No. 31 (Closure of debate) and Standing Order No. 32 (Majority for closure) shall apply to standing committees with the substitution in Standing Order No. 31 (Closure of debate) of the word 'chairman' for the word 'chair,' and, in Standing Order No. 32 (Majority for closure), of the number prescribed by paragraph (1) of this order as the quorum for one hundred as the number necessary to render the majority effective for the closure, and the chairman of a standing committee shall have the like powers as the Chairman of Ways and Means has under Standing Orders No. 22 (Irrelevance or repetition), No. 28 (Dilatory motion in abuse of rules of House), No. 47 (Debate on clause standing part) and No. 33 (Selection of amendments) or as Mr. Speaker has under Standing Order No. 33 (Selection of amendments) in respect of any bill under consideration on report.

(6) On a division being called in the House, the chairman of a standing committee shall suspend the proceedings in the committee for such time as will, in his opinion, enable Members to vote in the division.

(7) All standing committees shall have leave to print and circulate with the Votes the minutes of their proceedings and clauses of bills as amended by them.

1972 — 18th December 60 Constitution of standing committees

(1) As many standing committees shall be appointed as may be necessary for the consideration of bills or other business committed or referred to a standing committee.

(2) Subject to the provisions of Standing Order No. 69 (Scottish Standing Committees), the bills committed to a standing committee shall be distributed among the committees by Mr. Speaker.

(3) In all but one of the standing committees government bills shall have precedence.

(4) Government bills allocated to a particular standing committee shall be considered in whatever order Her Majesty's Ministers may decide.

1975 — 10th February 60 Constitution of standing committees

(1) As many standing committees shall be appointed as may be necessary for the consideration of bills or other business committed or referred to a standing committee.

(2) Subject to the provisions of Standing Order No. 69 (Scottish Standing Committees), the bills committed and statutory instruments or draft statutory instruments referred to a standing committee shall be distributed among the committees by Mr. Speaker.

(3) In all but one of the standing committees government bills shall have precedence.

(4) Government bills allocated to a particular standing committee shall be considered in whatever order Her Majesty's Ministers may decide.

1976 — 27th January 60 Constitution of standing committees

(1) As many standing committees shall be appointed as may be necessary for the consideration of bills or other business committed or referred to a standing committee.

(2) Subject to the provisions of Standing Order No. 69 (Scottish Standing Committees), the bills committed and statutory instruments or draft statutory instruments or commission documents as defined in Standing Order No. 3 (Exempted business) referred to a standing committee shall be distributed among the committees by Mr. Speaker.

(3) In all but one of the standing committees government bills shall have precedence.

(4) Government bills allocated to a particular standing committee shall be considered in whatever order Her Majesty's Ministers may decide.

1980 — 31st January 60 Constitution of standing committees

(1) As many standing committees shall be appointed as may be necessary for the consideration of bills or other business committed or referred to a standing committee.

(2) Subject to the provisions of Standing Order No. 69 (Scottish Standing Committees), the bills committed and statutory instruments or draft statutory instruments or commission documents as defined in Standing Order No. 3 (Exempted business) or measures under the Church of England Assembly (Powers) Act 1919 and instruments made under such measures referred to a standing committee shall be distributed among the committees by Mr. Speaker.

(3) In all but one of the standing committees government bills shall have precedence.

(4) Government bills allocated to a particular standing committee shall be considered in whatever order Her Majesty's Ministers may decide.

1982 — 21st December 60 Constitution of standing committees

(1) As many standing committees shall be appointed as may be necessary for the consideration of bills or other business committed or referred to a standing committee.

(2) Subject to the provisions of Standing Order No. 69 (Scottish Standing Committees), the bills committed and statutory instruments or draft statutory instruments or European Community documents as defined in Standing Order No. 3 (Exempted business) or measures under the Church of England Assembly (Powers) Act 1919 and instruments made under such measures referred to a standing committee shall be distributed among the committees by Mr. Speaker.

(3) In all but one of the standing committees government bills shall have precedence.

(4) Government bills allocated to a particular standing committee shall be considered in whatever order Her Majesty's Ministers may decide.

1986 — 25th March 63 Constitution of standing committees

(1) As many standing committees shall be appointed as may be necessary for the consideration of bills or other business committed or referred to a standing committee.

(2) Subject to the provisions of Standing Order No. 72 (Scottish Standing Committees), the bills committed and statutory instruments or draft statutory instruments or European Community documents as defined in Standing Order No. 3 (Exempted business) or measures under the Church of England Assembly (Powers) Act 1919 and instruments made under such measures referred to a standing committee shall be distributed among the committees by Mr. Speaker.

(3) In all but one of the standing committees to which bills other than bills provided for in Standing Order No. 72 (Scottish Standing Committees) are committed or referred government bills shall have precedence.

(4) Government bills allocated to a particular standing committee shall be considered in whatever order Her Majesty's Ministers may decide.

1990 — 19th October 84 Constitution of standing committees

(1) As many standing committees shall be appointed as may be necessary for the consideration of bills or other business committed or referred to a standing committee.

(2) Subject to the provisions of Standing Order No. 95 (Scottish Standing Committees), the bills committed and statutory instruments or draft statutory instruments or European Community documents as defined in Standing Order No. 14 (Exempted business) or measures under the Church of England Assembly (Powers) Act 1919 and instruments made under such measures referred to a standing committee shall be distributed among the committees by Mr. Speaker.

(3) In all but one of the standing committees to which bills other than bills provided for in Standing Order No. 95 (Scottish Standing Committees) are committed or referred government bills shall have precedence.

(4) Government bills allocated to a particular standing committee shall be considered in whatever order Her Majesty's Ministers may decide.

1994 — 12th July 84 Constitution of standing committees

(1) Subject to the provisions of paragraph (1) of Standing Order No. 102 (European Standing Committees), as many standing committees shall be appointed as may be necessary for the consideration of bills or other business committed or referred to a standing committee.

(2) Subject to the provisions of Standing Order No. 95 (Scottish Standing Committees), the bills committed and statutory instruments or draft statutory instruments or measures under the Church of England Assembly (Powers) Act 1919 and instruments made under such measures referred to a standing committee shall be distributed among the committees by Mr. Speaker.

(3) In all but one of the standing committees to which bills other than bills provided for in Standing Order No. 95 (Scottish Standing Committees) are committed or referred government bills shall have precedence.

(4) Government bills allocated to a particular standing committee shall be considered in whatever order Her Majesty's Ministers may decide.

1995 — 17th July 84 Constitution of standing committees

(1) Subject to the provisions of paragraph (1) of Standing Order No. 102 (European Standing Committees), as many standing committees shall be appointed as may be necessary for the consideration of bills or other business committed or referred to a standing committee.

(2) Subject to the provisions of Standing Order No. 95 (Scottish Standing Committees), the bills committed and statutory instruments or draft statutory instruments or measures under the Church of England Assembly (Powers) Act 1919 and instruments made under such measures referred to a standing committee shall be distributed among the committees by the Speaker.

(3) In all but one of the standing committees to which bills other than bills provided for in Standing Order No. 95 (Scottish Standing Committees) are committed or referred government bills shall have precedence.

(4) Government bills allocated to a particular standing committee shall be considered in whatever order Her Majesty's Ministers may decide.

1997 — 19th March 84 Constitution of standing committees

(1) Subject to the provisions of paragraph (1) of Standing Order No. 102 (European Standing Committees), as many standing committees shall be appointed as may be necessary for the consideration of bills or other business committed or referred to a standing committee.

(2) Subject to the provisions of Standing Order No. 95 (Scottish Standing Committees), the bills committed and instruments (whether or not in draft) referred to a standing committee shall be distributed among the committees by the Speaker.

(3) In all but one of the standing committees to which bills other than bills provided for in Standing Order No. 95 (Scottish Standing Committees) are committed or referred government bills shall have precedence.

(4) Government bills allocated to a particular standing committee shall be considered in whatever order Her Majesty's Ministers may decide.