UK Parliament — House of Commons

Order ID:101

Known as:

Order numbers:

47, 57, 59, 60, 63, 84

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Most recent appearance

Date Title Text
2006 — 27th June 84 Constitution of standing committees

(1) Subject to the provisions of paragraph (1) of Standing Order No. 119 (European Standing Committees), as many standing committees shall be appointed as may be necessary for the consideration of bills or other business committed or referred to a standing committee.

(2) Subject to the provisions of Standing Order No. 101 (Scottish Standing Committees), the bills committed and instruments (whether or not in draft) referred to a standing committee shall be distributed among the committees by the Speaker.

(3) In all but one of the standing committees to which bills other than bills provided for in Standing Order No. 101 (Scottish Standing Committees) are committed or referred government bills shall have precedence.

(4) Government bills allocated to a particular standing committee shall be considered in whatever order Her Majesty's Ministers may decide.

First appearance

1888 — 7th March 47 Standing committees on Law and Courts of Justice, Trade, &c.

(1) That two Standing Committees be appointed for the consideration of all Bills relating to Law and Courts of Justice and Legal Procedure, and to Trade, Shipping, and Manufactures, which may, by Order of The House, in each case, be committed to them; and the procedure in such Committees shall be the same as in a Select Committee, unless The House shall otherwise order: Provided, That strangers shall be admitted, except when the Committee shall order them to withdraw. Provided also, That the said Committees shall be excluded from the operation of the Standing Order of July 21st, 1856, and the said Committee shall not sit, whilst The House is sitting, without the order of The House: Provided also, That any Notice of Amendment to any Clause in a Bill which may be committed to a Standing Committee, given by any honourable Member in the House, shall stand referred to such Committee: Provided also, That Twenty be the Quorum of such Standing Committees.