<p>On a quarterly basis, DECC receive data from Ofgem of the number of switches at an aggregate level for both electricity and gas. These data are published by DECC in Table 2.7.1 of Quarterly Energy Prices:</p><p>https://www.gov.uk/government/statistical-data-sets/quarterly-domestic-energy-switching-statistics</p><p>We do not monitor the level of individual switching by geographic area or socio-economic group.</p><p>We do not monitor the number of customers switching as a result of collective switching schemes on a regular basis. However, we have published evaluation of schemes supported by the Cheaper Energy Together fund, which breaks down the number of switches by scheme and estimates the number of switches according to different indicators of vulnerability. This information can be found at:</p><p>https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/helping-customers-switch-collective-switching-and-beyond</p>