AU Routes
A step of type NOT.
There are 14 routes.
A Route from AU NOT to BD AND as part of the Draft affirmative remedial order procedure
A Route from Ministerial statement of summary of representations on the draft remedial Order (House of Lords) to AU NOT as part of the Draft affirmative remedial order procedure
A Route from AU NOT to BF AND as part of the Enhanced affirmative: Investigatory Powers Act 2016 procedure
A Route from Considered by the Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments (JCSI) (House of Commons and House of Lords) to AU NOT as part of the Enhanced affirmative: Investigatory Powers Act 2016 procedure
A Route from AG EQUALS to AU NOT as part of the Legislative Reform Order procedure
A Route from AU NOT to LRO AW Summation as part of the Legislative Reform Order procedure
A Route from AU NOT to AU AND as part of the Made affirmative procedure
A Route from Considered for English votes for English laws (EVEL) certification (House of Commons) to AU NOT as part of the Made affirmative procedure
A Route from AU NOT to AH OR as part of the Made affirmative remedial order procedure
A Route from Instrument approved (House of Commons) to AU NOT as part of the Made affirmative remedial order procedure
A Route from AI EQUALS to AU NOT as part of the Treaties subject to the Constitutional Reform and Governance Act 2010 procedure
A Route from AU NOT to Objection period B ends as part of the Treaties subject to the Constitutional Reform and Governance Act 2010 procedure
A Route from AU NOT to AU AND as part of the UK Public Bills procedure
A Route from PL AP Summation to AU NOT as part of the UK Public Bills procedure