The Minister of State, Ministry of Defence (Mr. Adam Ingram)
The following key targets have been set for the Chief Executive of the Defence Aviation Repair Agency for financial year 2003–04:
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Target |
KT 1—Financial Performance 1 |
The measurement of DARA's ROCE. |
To achieve a minimum average ROCE of 6 per cent. over the first three years of trading (FY01/02-FY03/04 inclusive). |
KT 2—Financial Performance 2 |
The measurement of value of contracts won. |
To achieve order intake to the value of at least £160 million. |
KT 3—Quality |
The measurement of attributable major customer concerns received from DM DARA's customers. |
To have no more attributable major customer concerns than the baseline set on DARA's performance of FY 01/02, less 10 per cent. |
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Target |
KT 4—Efficiency |
The measurement of the reduction in unit production price of a representative basket of DARA outputs. |
To achieve a cumulative reduction price of 7 per cent. in real terms, of the basket of products (weighted by value of annual task quantity), baselined from FY01/02. |