§ The Minister of State, Ministry of Defence (Mr. Adam Ingram)The following Key Targets have been set for the Chief Executive of ABRO for Financial Year 2003–04. The targets build on the high standards of service already provided by the Agency:
To achieve at least a 6 per cent. average Return On Capital Employed (ROCE) over the first three years of trading (FY 2002–03-2004–05).KEY TARGET 2:
To complete delivery of 100 per cent. of the planned revenue projection (£150 million) in each of the next five years (FY 2003–04-2007–08).KEY TARGET 3:
To introduce and have operational the new Material Management System (MMS) and to have detached from the Equipment Support Provision and Procurement Administration, Supply System by 31 March 2005. (A milestone has been set for FY 2001–04—the MMS pilot is to be operational at ABRO Bovington by 31 March 2004).KEY TARGET 4:
To reduce the average equipment repair price, across the programme by 4 per cent. in the second year and by 12 per cent. over three years against the 2002–03 baseline.KEY TARGET 5:
To maintain a closing order book of at least £80 million and total sales of £150 million for FY 2003–04, and to maintain this level over the next five years (FY 2003–04 to 2007–08).