HL Deb 11 October 2004 vol 665 cc9-10WA
Lord Astor of Hever

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they regard the protection of merchant shipping, and particularly British merchant shipping, against the threat of terrorists and others as a Standing Overseas Commitment or a Contingent Overseas Operation in terms of the Military Tasks set out in the New Chapter to the Strategic Defence Review. [HL4198]

Lord Bach

Revised Military Tasks were detailed in the volume of Supporting Essays accompanying the 2003 Defence White Paper,Delivering Security in a Changing World (Cm 6041). The United Kingdom maintains forces to ensure the integrity of its territorial waters and, where necessary, in the surrounding seas, as a Standing Home Commitment (Military Task 2.3). This includes maritime counter-terrorism and protection against renegade shipping. Any requirements for the protection of merchant shipping outside this area are considered on a contingent basis.

Lord Astor of Hever

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What provision is made within overall force planning for the protection of merchant shipping globally. [HL4199]

Lord Bach

The threat from terrorists and piracy is kept under constant review, and the Ministry of Defence works closely with other government departments on the protection of merchant shipping. The Royal Navy's world-wide Maritime Trade Operations—known as UK MTO arrangements—enable a number of options to be offered in support of merchant shipping, graduated to the prevailing threat. These range from the provision of routine advice and guidance through to a more formal arrangement of naval supervision, which might for example, include specific routing. The appropriate level of MTO support required in a given area remains under constant assessment. For example, UK MTO arrangements in the Gulf have been enhanced since October 2001 by the establishment of a UK MTO Liaison cell in the region. If necessary, from this position, higher level Maritime Trade Operations can be implemented very quickly.