HL Deb 11 October 2004 vol 665 c4WA
Lord Marlesford

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they propose to change the position whereby British citizens on the London Diplomatic List may represent the interests of foreign governments; whether such persons receive full diplomatic privileges including exemptions for United Kingdom taxes; and whether they will name those persons on the current Diplomatic List who are known to hold British citizenship. [HL4266]

Baroness Symons of Vernham Dean

Under the provisions of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, members of the diplomatic staff of an Embassy or High Commission who are British nationals may not be appointed without the consent of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. Where such cases arise, they are decided on their individual merits. In accordance with long-standing arrangements, members of a diplomatic mission of a Commonwealth country and of Ireland who are both nationals of that country and British nationals are treated, for the purposes of privileges and immunities, as if they were not British nationals. They are therefore entitled to full diplomatic privileges and immunities. Members of foreign diplomatic missions who are British nationals or permanent residents of the United Kingdom are not entitled to any privileges or immunities beyond immunity for acts performed in the course of their official functions. It is not the practice of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office to make public details concerning individual diplomats, other than those published in the London Diplomatic List.