HC Deb 14 June 2004 vol 422 cc667-9W
Harry Cohen

To ask the Secretary of State for International Development if he will place in the Library a list of(a) allocations made so far and (b) decisions for allocations not yet disbursed, and the sum involved in each case, by the Coalition Provisional Authority Programme Review Board in respect of the Development Fund for Iraq. [177676]

Hilary Benn

As of 4 June 2004, total disbursements from the Development Fund for Iraq (DFI) amounted to $11.0 billion, as shown in the following table.

An estimated $3.7 billion in outstanding commitments is expected to be disbursed by the end of 2004.

The main expenditure areas are: the wheat purchase program, the currency exchange program, the electricity and oil infrastructure programs, equipment for Iraqi security forces, and for Iraqi civil service salaries and ministry budget operations.

A detailed breakdown of expenditures under the DFI and the minutes of the Programme Review Board (PRB) meetings are publicly accessible and regularly posted on: www.iraqcoalition org/budqet

Development Fund of Iraq as at June 2004
Disbursements since

inception ($)

Baghdad Central 2,635,799.40
Central Bank of Iraq 23,482,105.44
CJTF#7 12,146,904.60
Coalition Military Assistance Training Team 18,787,188.14
Commanders Emergency Response Program 386,583,988.00
Communication Support Office 1,659,897.06
Comptrollers Office 2.100,000.00
CPA Front Office 2.160,290.16
Governance 10,000.00
Ministry of Agriculture 20,097,406.30
Ministry of Communications 2,080,000.00
Ministry of Culture 20,000.00
Ministry of Education 1,100,000.00
Ministry of Electricity 155.353,242.74
Ministry of Finance 7,956,060,416.57
Ministry of Housing and Construction 405,031.66
Ministry of Interior 46,851,310.60
Ministry of Justice 1,000,219.50
Ministry of National Security and Defence 3,130,506.39
Ministry of Oil 1,551,233,904.96
Ministry of Planning 5,558,698.00
Ministry of Public Works 26,116.00
Ministry of Trade 129,381,909.68
Ministry of Transportation 1,706,687.00
Office of Security Cooperation 10,711,762.32
Private Sector Development 13,665.00
Program Management Office 17,920,000.00
Rapid Regional Response Program 195,251,744.69
Regional Projects—CPA South 28,924,414.64
State Oil Marketing Organisation 20,178,353.52
Strategic Communications 361,000.00
US Army Corps of Engineers 302,979,304.13
World Food Programme 143,376,100.00
Total 11,043,287,966.50

Harry Cohen

To ask the Secretary of State for International Development what the response of the Coalition Provisional Authority Programme Review Board has been to the inquiry of the International Advisory and Monitoring Board in respect of the Development Fund for Iraq about why the fund had paid Halliburton for uncontested contracts; how much money is involved in such contracts; which companies were the beneficiaries; what the position of the UK representative on the Review Board was; and if he will make a statement. [177677]

Hilary Benn

The International Audit and Monitoring Board (IAMB) has sought clarification on the use of non-competitive bidding procedures for some contracts funded from the Development Fund for Iraq (DFI) and has requested access to US Government Agency audits of sole-sourced contracts funded by the DFI. The Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) Administrator has reported that the CPA is liaising with US Government Agencies to obtain copies of the audit reports.

The DFI Program Review Board assesses and approves expenditure proposals only for the DFI, not contractors. The UK representative on the Programme Review Board (PRB) does not, therefore, take a position on specific contractual decisions. Neither DFID, nor the IAMB, have a comprehensive breakdown of the value and allocation of sole-sourced DFI contracts. A complete picture of the value of sole-sourced DFI contracts awaits the analysis of the audit reports.

The UK fully supports the role of the IAMB.

Harry Cohen

To ask the Secretary of State for International Development if he will list the members of the Coalition Provisional Authority Programme Review Board responsible for the Development Fund for Iraq; who appointed them; and whom they represent. [177678]

Hilary Benn

The voting members of the Iraqi Coalition Provisional Authority Program Review Board (PRB) are representatives of: the Iraqi Minister of Finance; the Iraqi Ministry of Planning and Development Co-operation; the CPA's Economic Affairs, Governance and Security Policy Offices, and Office of Infrastructure and Operations; the Coalition Military (Combined Joint Task Force 7); the Iraqi Council for International Co-operation; U SAID; and the Governments of the United Kingdom and Australia. Members are appointed by the CPA Administrator.