HC Deb 10 June 2002 vol 386 cc785-7W
Mrs. Curtis-Thomas

To ask the Secretary of State for Transport (1) if the results of the centralised training and development team formed by Railtrack, as reported in the Cullen report, will be made publicly available; [60612]

(2) what the terms of reference are for the local management teams that monitor the implementation of contracts for the rail industry as reported in the Cullen report on the Ladbroke Grove Rail Inquiry. [60604]

Mr. Jamieson

These are operational matters for Railtrack.

Mrs. Curtis-Thomas

To ask the Secretary of State for Transport what the shortcomings are in the scope of contract documentation reported in the Cullen report on the Ladbroke Grove Rail Inquiry. [60603]

Mr. Jamieson

Lord Cullen discussed the use of contracts in Chapter 4 of his part 2 Ladbroke Grove report including the process for awarding and controlling contracts and contractors. He did not make any specific recommendations about contract documentation. A copy of the report is in the Library.

Mrs. Curtis-Thomas

To ask the Secretary of State for Transport (1) what maintenance delivery and other improvements are being followed up by Railtrack as reported in the Cullen report on the Ladbroke Grove Rail Inquiry; [60602]

(2) if he will make a statement on the reasons for non-completion of recommendations 4, 6, 9 and 72 of the Cullen report into the Ladbroke Grove Rail Inquiry; and what timetable he has set for their completion; [60594]

(3) what steps are to be completed by Railtrack to comply with the recommendations of the Cullen report into the Ladbroke Grove Rail Inquiry; and what (a) timescales and (b) costs are involved. [60598]

Mr. Jamieson

The Health and Safety Commission (HSC) has published progress reports on how the recommendations of the Cullen reports have been implemented: Part 1 on 14 March 2002 and Part 2 on 29 April 2002. These reports describe the original and revised timetables for all the recommendations and have been placed in the House Library.

On 1 May 2002, the Secretary of State asked the HSC for a further progress report on the reasons for the delay in implementing recommendations associated with the management of contractors. A copy of the HSC's reply has been placed in the House Library.

The cost of implementing those Cullen recommendations for which they have responsibility is a matter for Railtrack.

Mrs. Curtis-Thomas

To ask the Secretary of State for Transport if he will list the 10 strategic maintenance principles developed by Railtrack that involve Railtrack directly managing inspection, appraisal and key work decisions as reported in the Cullen report on the Ladbroke Grove Rail Inquiry. [60601]

Mr. Jamieson

I understand that Railtrack have drawn up the following 10 key principles relating to maintenance and contractor management:

  1. 1. To take responsibility for material asset, engineering decisions.
  2. 787W
  3. 2. To deliver clear asset engineering policies, standards, specifications and key work instructions.
  4. 3. To own asset information including asset condition data and monitoring.
  5. 4. To own examination of its network and, on a long-term basis, to aim to automate inspection as appropriate.
  6. 5. To own the work prioritisation decisions and the resulting work plans on planned and reactive maintenance.
  7. 6. To be accountable for developing the long-term view of people and the capability required and to work with the industry to ensure that people are developed as necessary.
  8. 7. To lead the industry research and development into plant, systems, process and materials.
  9. 8. To own all engineering access to the network and additionally to manage possessions based on assessed risk against a risk matrix, having fully consulted the passenger and freight train operating companies.
  10. 9. To be able to demonstrate cost effectiveness of maintenance and renewals, and to seek continual unit cost reductions to meet regulatory expectations of efficiency.
  11. 10. To continue to contract out maintenance and renewals in this control period but will consider the merits of bringing this work in-house for one or two "control areas".

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