HL Deb 11 December 2002 vol 642 cc43-4WA
The Earl of Northesk

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Further to the Written Answer by Lord Hunt of Kings Heath on 7 November (WA 147), whether no spending from central government on National Health Service information technology projects and procurement has taken place over the past five years. [HL432]

Lord Hunt of Kings Heath

Funds for information management and technology (IM&T) implementations have been included in general allocations to the National Health Service during the past five years. On two occasions specific additions have been identified for IM&T investment but that investment is additional to the on-going baseline expenditure. The total spend on IM&T across the NHS is not routinely collected.

The Earl of Northesk

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What funds have been committed by central government to (a) the Integrated Care Records System (ICRS), (b) the National Health Service National Programme, (c) the National Health Service electronic appointment booking project, (d) electronic prescriptions and (e) NHSnet. [HL433]

Lord Hunt of Kings Heath

Funds are being identified within the Spending Review 2002 settlement for National Health Service information management and technology (IM&T). The Department of Health is working to apportion the funds across existing IM&T priorities and the national programme. The latter will include work on all of the following: Integrated Care Records System, electronic booking, electronic prescriptions and enhancements to NHSnet. The amounts to be deployed will be aligned with local NHS requirements expressed in local development plans. Final decisions on how some of these services will be delivered and paid for will be made within the context of the procurement of prime service providers.