- VAT 79 words c63W
- Analogue Switch-off (Rural Areas) 53 words cc63-4W
- Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan and Baku-Tbilisi-Erzerum Pipelines 102 words cc64-5W
- Broadband 504 words c65W
- Chemicals Innovation and Growth Team Reports 41 words c65W
- Combined Heat and Power 54 words cc65-7W
- Commonwealth Countries (Trade) 983 words c67W
- Construction Industry 116 words c67W
- Departmental Grants 156 words cc67-8W
- India First 22 words c68W
- Manufacturing Summit 144 words c68W
- Post Offices 62 words c68W
- Post Offices (Wycombe) 61 words cc68-9W
- Process Centre for Manufacturing Excellence 140 words cc69-70W
- Quoted Companies Alliance Report 717 words cc70-1W
- Renewable Energy 449 words c71W
- Royal Mail 88 words cc71-2W
- Rural Post Office Network 59 words c72W
- Small Firm Loan Scheme 145 words c72W
- Solar PV Projects 124 words cc72-3W
- Thompsons Solicitors 141 words c73W
- Wind Generators 202 words