HL Deb 14 September 2001 vol 627 c47WA
Lord Elton

asked the Chairman of Committees:

What is the current annual expenditure on the Parliamentary Data and Video Network; and what expenditure is projected for each of the next five years. [HL568]

The Chairman of Committees (Lord Tordoff)

Estimates for PDVN expenditure for the current year and the three following years are given in the table below. Estimates for 2005–06 and 2006–07 have not yet been made.

Since PDVN staffing is under review, the estimates for 2002–05 may be subject to considerable variation. In order to provide at least an indicative projection for PDVN overall costs, this year's estimated staff costs have been extended forward in the calculations. All figures for later years may also, of course, be subject to change as a result of normal budgetary and forecasting processes. Telecommunications and administration costs are excluded.

The House of Commons contributes 85 per cent of the total PDVN costs; the House of Lords 15 per cent.

Year PDVN costs (£)
2001–02 4,284,600
2002–03 3,692,900
2003–04 4,157,400
2004–05 3,958,800
2005–06 Not yet estimated
2006–07 Not yet estimated