HC Deb 26 November 2001 vol 375 cc700-1W
Mr. Bercow

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department if he will make a statement on progress towards the Public Service Agreement target (1) for the reconviction rate for offenders serving prison sentences; [17073]

(2) for the reconviction rate for offenders serving community sentences; [17071]

(3) of ensuring just processes and just and effective outcomes. [17062]

Beverley Hughes

Ensuring just processes and just and effective outcomes is one of the key objectives in the 2001–02 Criminal Justice Business Plan. It will be measured using the Public Service Agreement target to reduce the rate of reconvictions of all offenders punished by imprisonment or by community supervision by 5 per cent. by 2004 compared to the predicted rate.

Reducing the rate of reconvictions is one of this Government's key delivery priorities with a delivery plan in place. The delivery strands which will contribute towards the target have been selected on the principles of 'What Works' based on research evidence of effectiveness.

The Public Service Agreement target also included a commitment to reduce the rate of reconvictions of all young offenders by 5 per cent. by 2004 compared to the predicted rate. The Youth Justice Board is taking this forward using a similar approach.

I have asked to see regular reports on the progress towards this target.