HC Deb 25 June 2001 vol 370 cc40-54W
  1. Crime Rates (Surrey) 352 words
  2. c41W
  3. National Economic Security 168 words
  4. c41W
  5. European Public Prosecutor 72 words
  6. cc41-2W
  7. Prisoner Costs 269 words
  8. c42W
  9. Marsham Street 220 words
  10. cc42-3W
  11. Secure Training Places 85 words
  12. c43W
  13. Criminal Justice System Reserve 170 words
  14. cc43-5W
  15. Home Detention Curfew Scheme 1,057 words
  16. cc45-6W
  17. Departmental Staff 293 words
  18. c46W
  19. EU Meetings (Ministerial Attendance) 227 words
  20. c46W
  21. Police Numbers (Kent) 133 words
  22. cc46-7W
  23. Proceeds of Crime Bill 52 words
  24. c47W
  25. Victims Charter 58 words
  26. c47W
  27. Pitch Invasions 134 words
  28. c47W
  29. Extradition 52 words
  30. c47W
  31. Corruption (Law Reform) 54 words
  32. cc47-8W
  33. Best Value 161 words
  34. c48W
  35. Police Standards Unit 100 words
  36. c48W
  37. Police Pensions 43 words
  38. c48W
  39. Detective Expertise 125 words
  40. cc48-9W
  41. Criminal Justice and Police Act 129 words
  42. c49W
  43. Private Security Personnel 94 words
  44. c49W
  45. Police Working Conditions 82 words
  46. cc49-50W
  47. Press Officers 261 words
  48. cc50-2W
  49. Asylum Seekers 1,022 words
  50. c52W
  51. Lord Birt 59 words
  52. cc52-3W
  53. Immigration Officers (French Ports) 126 words
  54. c53W
  55. Immigration and Nationality Directorate 99 words
  56. c53W
  57. Custody-plus Sentences 85 words
  58. cc53-4W
  59. Drugs 510 words
  60. c54W
  61. Ports Policing 103 words