HC Deb 28 November 2000 vol 357 cc539-40W
Mr. Hood

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what the outcome was of the General Affairs Council held in Brussels on 20 and 21 November; and if he will make a statement. [140121]

Mr. Vaz

The General Affairs Council (GAC) on 20–21 November adopted the "A" points listed in document no. 13291/00 and noted the resolutions, decisions and opinions adopted by the European Parliament in its sessions of 2–6 and 23–27 October in Strasbourg listed in document nos. 11935/00 and 11941/00. Copies of these documents will be placed in the House Libraries as soon as they become available.

Western Balkans

The Council agreed on its final preparations for the Zagreb Summit on 24 November. It also agreed the text of the CARDS regulation and the European Agency for Reconstruction. The texts will be adopted formally by the GAC on 4 December. The Council adopted the Commission proposal to extend the Autonomous Trade Measures to the FRY and Macedonia. It also adopted the negotiating mandate for Croatia's Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) and instructed the Commission to start full negotiations for an agreement. Finally, the Council adopted the final text of the Macedonia SAA.


The UK led member states in welcoming the Commission's Enlargement Strategy paper, and its ambitious and realistic recommendations for injecting dynamism into the accession process. The key recommendations were for a "road map" or timetable, envisaging the conclusion of negotiations in the first half of 2002, and for procedures to facilitate future progress in the accession negotiations (including the handling of candidates' transition period requests and the "conditional closure" of chapters where a few difficult issues can be set aside for later negotiation). These proposals were in line with the Prime Minister's call, in his speech in Warsaw in October, for a "specific framework leading to the conclusion of negotiations and accession" in time for new member states to participate in the elections for the European Parliament in 2004.

EU/Turkey Pre-accession Strategy

The Council deferred discussion until 4 December General Affairs Council.

MEP's Statute

The Presidency provided an update on the negotiations with the European Parliament to regulate the salaries, expenses and conditions of MEPs. The UK emphasised that the key to any agreement was an expense regime based on real costs actually incurred, transparent, accountable and with external, independent checks; and that the most logical position on salaries was an average of the 15 member states. The UK and other member states reiterated the need for at least the option of national taxation for MEPs.

Overseas Countries and Territories (OCTs)

The Commission presented their proposal for a new OCT Decision, which includes special trade provisions and developmental assistance for the OCTs. The UK, along with France, Denmark and the Netherlands, offered initial comments, and emphasised that some technical aspects of the proposal needed further consideration.

North Korea

The Council agreed Presidency proposals for co-ordinating member states' policies towards North Korea.

IGC: Session with the EP

The Conclave met on Sunday evening. Ministers discussed Commission Size, Vote Reweighting, QMV and the Charter of Rights. The next Conclave takes place on 3 December.


Foreign and Defence Ministers adopted a declaration on the outcome of the Capabilities Commitment Conference.