HL Deb 27 July 2000 vol 616 cc71-2WA
Viscount Chandos

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Further to the Written Answers by the Lord Chancellor on 12 April 2000 (WA 41) and 5 June 2000 (WA 139–141) when a further announcement will be made on part-time judicial appointments to tribunals. [HL3696]

The Lord Chancellor

Following the earlier announcements about new arrangements for a number of part-time judicial appointments, similar arrangements have now been put in place for an additional range of part-time tribunal appointments for which I am jointly or solely responsible and for appointments made by the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry to Employment Tribunals.

These changes will come into effect immediately.

I am placing in the Libraries of both Houses joint statements signed by myself and/or the Secretary of State and by the Lord Chief Justice covering the following fixed-term appointments to Tribunals:

Lord Chancellor

  • Part-time Chairmen of Employment Tribunals
  • Part-time Chairmen and Deputy Chairmen of the Copyright Tribunal
  • The "appointed person" to hear appeals under the Trade Marks Act 1994
  • Reinstatement Committees and Umpires
  • Part-time members of the Restrictive Practices Court
  • Chairmen and ordinary members of the Reserved Forces Appeal Tribunals
  • Part-time Chairmen of the Plant Varieties and Seeds Tribunal

Lord Chancellor and the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry

Part-time lay members of the Employment Appeal Tribunal

Secretary State for Trade and Industry

Part-time members of the Employment Tribunals