HC Deb 11 April 2000 vol 348 c125W
Mr. Robertson

To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland how many paramilitary offences have been committed since the signing of the Belfast Agreement by(a) Republican and (b) Loyalist organisations, broken down by specific offence; and if he will make a statement. [117662]

Mr. Ingram

[holding answer 4 April 2000]: The information requested can be found in the table:

By Loyalist By Republican UK Total
1. Incidents
Deaths 14 35 1 50
Shooting incidents n/a n/a 1311
Bombing incidents n/a n/a 1188
2. Casualties as a result of paramilitary attacks
Shooting 92 52 144
Assaults 182 93 275
1 It is not always possible to confirm the attribution for these incidents.


It should also be noted that shooting incidents will include those incidents resulting in the 144 casualties shown in number 2 of the table and that there may have been more than one casualty in a single shooting incident.

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