HL Deb 28 June 1999 vol 603 cc4-5WA
Lord Cocks of Hartcliffe

asked the Chairman of Committees:

Why the sub-committee of the Administration and Works Sub-Committee responsible for filming in the House has accepted an application to make a documentary from a commercial company; and whether that sub-committee makes any distinction between proposals from commercial and non-commercial documentary makers. [HL3298]

The Chairman of Committees

The Filming and Broadcasting Steering Group considers proposals for films on their merits. The group seeks to determine whether any proposal which is made is a proposal to make a serious and balanced film, and whether the proposal comes from a reputable film maker with an established record of high quality film making.

Subject to the signing of a detailed agreement, the group has recently agreed to allow Wall to Wall Television to make a film about the House of Lords. The film will eventually be shown on Channel 4. If and when the agreement has been signed, Members of the House will be informed. The group accepted Wall to Wall's application because it filled the criteria set out in the paragraph above. The group makes no distinction between commercial and non-commercial documentary makers.