HL Deb 28 June 1999 vol 603 c4WA
Lord Cocks of Hartcliffe

asked the Chairman of Committees:

Who sits on the sub-committee appointed by the Administration and Works Sub-Committee to consider proposals for filming in the House; and whether the House has been notified of the membership of this sub-committee. [HL3297]

The Chairman of Committees (Lord Boston of Faversham)

The Filming and Broadcasting Steering Group is composed of the following members:

  • Lord Carter
  • Lord Henley
  • Viscount Falkland
  • Viscount Tenby
  • Lord Boston of Faversham
The group was set up following a decision of the Administration and Works Sub-Committee on 10 March 1998, when the Sub-Committee agreed that the group should comprise the three Chief Whips (in other words, the usual channels), together with a representative of the Cross Bench Peers and the Chairman of Committees. As it is customary in many cases for the usual channels to act on behalf of the House, it was not felt necessary to make a formal announcement on this occasion. However, the minutes of the Administration and Works Sub-Committee meeting were, as usual, placed in the Library of the House.