HL Deb 23 June 1999 vol 602 c98WA
Viscount Addison

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What studies they have carried out to determine whether the Meat Hygiene Service clean animals campaign has resulted in a lower incidence overall of E.coli 0157 in finished carcasses. [HL2985]

Lord Donoughue

None. However, the development of the Meat Hygiene Service Clean Livestock Policy was based on research which demonstrated a clear link between fleeces and hides contaminated with dung and the microbial load of dressed carcasses (e.g. research by Hadley, Holder and Hinton,Effects of fleece soiling and skinning methods on the microbiology of sheep carcasses, Veterinary Record, 31 May 1997).

Lord Willoughby de Broke

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What specific actions are taken by official veterinary surgeons and meat hygiene inspectors to identify E.coli 0157 contamination on visibly clean carcasses during post-mortem examination. [HL2884]

Lord Donoughue

None. It is not possible to identifyE.coli 0157 bacteria by the organoleptic post-mortem inspection carried out by official veterinary surgeons and meat hygiene inspectors, as laid down in EU meat hygiene rules.