HC Deb 02 February 1999 vol 324 c597W
Mr. McNamara

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will list the principal points of agreement of(a) the Contact Group-endorsed framework document and (b) the Holbrooke Package for Kosovo; if he will make a statement on progress towards the full implementation of each point; and if he will place copies of the documents in the Library. [67433]

Mr. Tony Lloyd

As the statement issued at the end of the Contact Group Ministerial meeting in London on 29 January made clear, the Contact Group framework document is being further refined in advance of the planned meeting at Rambouillet. Putting the text as it stands into the public domain at this time would not help the search for a political settlement in Kosovo.

Copies of the agreements with the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia for the setting up of the OSCE ground verification mission and the NATO air verification mission have already been placed in the House Library. It is for NATO and the OSCE to assess compliance with these agreements and with the relevant Security Council Resolutions. To date, neither side is in full compliance.

My right hon. Friend the Foreign Secretary reported to the House on 1 February 1999, Official Report, columns 597–608, on the latest moves towards a negotiated settlement following the 29 January Contact Group meeting.

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