HC Deb 04 March 1998 vol 307 cc688-90W
15. Mr. Ruffley

To ask the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster if he will make a statement on his policy on freedom of information as it relates to his own Department. [30878]

Dr. David Clark

I have published a White Paper on Freedom of Information which will open up not just my Department, but the whole of Government. I intend that my Department will set an example in terms of openness, and I therefore published the background material relevant in forming the White Paper's proposals on 4 February.

I have also taken other steps to further openness within my own Department. I have appointed a Webmaster to improve the quality and scope of the Cabinet Office Internet site. I have set up a virtual seminar—on the Internet—to discuss the issues surrounding Better Government; and I am in the process of setting up a People's panel to consult and involve the public in issues about public services.

16. Mr. Paterson

To ask the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster if he will make a statement on progress in his consultation on freedom of information legislation. [30880]

Dr. David Clark

The consultation period on the White Paper ended on 28 February. Around 500 responses have been received. We will now be considering these responses carefully with a view to the preparation of a draft Freedom of Information Bill, to be issued later this year. This will provide a further opportunity for consultation on our proposals for a Freedom of Information Act.

25. Mr. Hanson

To ask the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster what representations he has received from national organisations concerning his White Paper on Freedom of Information. [30890]

Dr. David Clark

I have received a large number of representations from national organisations including the following 96 organisations:

  • Amnesty International
  • Article 19
  • Association for Geographic Information
  • Association of Chief Archivists in Local Government
  • Association of Chief Police Officers
  • Association of Council Secretaries and Solicitors
  • Association of First Division Civil Servants
  • Association of Personal Injury Lawyers
  • Association of Teachers and Lecturers
  • Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry
  • BBC
  • British Chambers of Commerce
  • British Medical Association
  • British Safety Council
  • British Waterways
  • Careers Services National Association
  • Charter 88
  • Chemical Industries Association
  • 689
  • Church Commissioners
  • Civil Aviation Authority
  • Coalition for Public Information
  • Commission for the New Towns
  • Communities Against Toxics
  • Communities Against Toxics Wales (CATS Cymru)
  • Conference of Directors National Museums and Galleries
  • Consumers' Association
  • Economic and Social Research Council
  • Electricity Association
  • English Heritage
  • English Nature
  • Environment Agency
  • Farm and Food Society
  • Farm Animal Welfare Council
  • Federation of Small Businesses
  • Financial Services Authority
  • Football Licensing Authority
  • Friends of the Earth
  • Gaming Board for Great Britain
  • Gas Consumers Council
  • Green Alliance
  • Heritage Lottery Fund
  • Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority
  • Independent Television Association
  • Institute of Physics
  • Insulin Dependent Diabetes Trust
  • ITN
  • Judicial Studies Board
  • Law Society of Scotland
  • Liberal Party
  • Library and Information Commission
  • Library Association
  • Library Campaign
  • Local Government Commission for England
  • Local Government Management Board
  • Methodist Church
  • Millennium Commission
  • Museums and Galleries Commission
  • National Alliance for Clearer Kilns
  • National Campaign for One Parent Families
  • National Consumer Panel
  • National Gallery
  • National Housing Federation
  • Natural History Museum
  • Newspaper Society
  • NHS Confederation
  • Northern Ireland Public Service Alliance
  • Open Spaces Society
  • Open University
  • Police Complaints Authority
  • Post Office
  • Public Services, Tax and Commerce Union
  • Ramblers' Association
  • Royal Armouries
  • Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England
  • Royal Historical Society
  • Royal National Institute for the Blind
  • 690
  • Royal Statistical Society
  • S4C
  • Scotland Campaign against Irresponsible Drivers
  • Scottish Arts Council
  • Scottish Consumer Council
  • Scottish Environment Protection Agency
  • Scottish Human Rights Centre
  • Scottish Natural Heritage
  • Scottish Sports Council
  • Shared Parenting Information Group
  • Society of Archivists
  • Society of Information Technology Management
  • Society of Public Information Networks
  • Takeover Panel
  • The Arts Council of England
  • Trades Union Congress
  • Water Services Association of England and Wales
  • Women's National Commission
  • World Development Movement
  • World Wide Fund for Nature.

I have also received a further 10 representations from organisations that have asked to remain confidential.