HL Deb 30 July 1998 vol 592 c248WA
The Earl of Dundonald

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they will consider the removal of all salmon farming operations from estuaries of river systems on the west of Scotland to offshore locations, in order to stop sea lice, concentrated in great numbers around these farms, from attaching themselves to wild salmon and sea trout. [HL3011]

Lord Sewel

There are approximately 230 finfish farms with multiple cages situated on the west of Scotland. The relocation of these to offshore locations to avoid passing sea trout and salmon is neither realistic nor practicable at this time. Indeed, given the current state of cage technology, this could lead to an increase in escapes, thereby giving rise to heightened concerns about interactions with wild species.

The Earl of Dundonald

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they have carried out an economic impact study on the effect of moving salmon farms from their present inshore locations to ecologically safe offshore sites. [HL3014]

Lord Sewel

No estimate has been made of the cost of moving the fish farming industry further offshore.

The Earl of Dundonald

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they will consider implementing all measures already being undertaken in Norway and the Republic of Ireland in order to protect west of Scotland fisheries from further declines in the number of wild sea trout and salmon. [HL3012]

Lord Sewel

We are always willing to learn from the experiences of other countries and there are exchanges between our respective scientific advisers.

Guidance on the future location of fish farms will shortly be issued for consultation.