HL Deb 30 July 1998 vol 592 c249WA
The Earl of Dundonald

asked Her Majesty's Government:

In view of the fact that oysters are considered only potential carriers of infectious salmon anaemia and of the consequences of restriction on their movement for operators of oyster farms, when they will complete their review as to when compensation will be paid to oyster farmers. [HL3015]

Lord Sewel

Oysters and other bi-valve molluscs feed by filtering particles from the water and there is evidence to show that they are capable of accumulating and subsequently depurating viruses. It follows that there is a risk of spreading infectious salmon anaemia if they are moved.

Hitherto it has not been the policy of Government to pay compensation for losses as a result of fish or shellfish diseases, but the issues are being reviewed as a matter of urgency.