HC Deb 08 April 1998 vol 310 cc326-30W
Mr. Streeter

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will list the criteria used in determining those projects eligible for receipt of European Communities moneys under the Kaleidoscope Project; what projects are in receipt of funds in the United Kingdom for the promotion of the concept of a common European heritage; and what part his Department plays in the determination of such. [36968]

Mr. Fisher

I have been asked to reply.

The criteria used to determine EC funding under the Kaleidoscope project are set out in the Official Journal of the European Communities, 19.8.97, C253/4–7. There is no funding under this project specifically for the promotion of the concept of a common European heritage; Kaleidoscope supports events and cultural projects carried out in partnerships or in networks of organisations from at least three Member States involving creative work for display or performance, or intended to help or promote cultural exchanges and public access, as well as larger projects with a European dimension. A representative of my Department sits on the Kaleidoscope management committee, which co-operates with the Commission in deciding on which projects to fund.

Mr. Streeter

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will list the criteria used in determining those projects which are eligible for receipt of European Communities moneys under B3–2003, European Cultural Development Policy; what projects are in receipt of funds in the United Kingdom for raising the profile of the European Union; and what part his Department plays in the determination of such. [36967]

Mr. Fisher

I have been asked to reply.

The criteria used to determine EC funding under budget line B3–2003 are set out in the Official Journal of the European Communities, 10.1.98, C6/18–20. There are no projects under this line for raising the profile of the European Union; this funding supports cultural and artistic projects with a European dimension, projects to enhance public awareness and give wider access to the cultural heritage, European co-operation projects carried out through networks or in partnership, and European umbrella organisations active in the arts, culture and the cultural heritage. My Department plays no part in decisions under this line.

Mr. Streeter

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will make a statement on the purpose of consumer measures funded from European Communities budget line B5–100; if he will list the measures supported in the United Kingdom in 1997; and what was the role of his Department in the determination of such. [36953]

Mr. Nigel Griffiths

I have been asked to reply.

The purpose of budget line B5–100 is to fund European Commission activities which support and supplement the policy pursued by Member States to protect the health, safety and economic interests of consumers and to provide adequate information to them, in accordance with Article 129a of the Treaty. UK bodies bid for Commission funding for specific projects. We do not yet have details of projects funded in the UK in 1997. It is for the Commission to determine how to allocate funds within budget line B5–100 in accordance with Community rules.

Mr. Streeter

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will make a statement on the purpose of information and training measures for workers' organisations funded from European Communities budget line B3–4002; which United Kingdom organisations were so funded in 1997; and what was the role of his Department in the determination of such. [36954]

Mr. Ian McCartney

I have been asked to reply.

Budget line B3–4002 is intended to cover information and training measures for workers' organisations in connection with the implementation of Community action on the social dimension of the internal market.

I understand from the Commission, who have sole responsibility for the allocation of funds under this EU budget line, that the only UK organisation which was funded under it in 1997 was the Amalgamated Engineering and Electrical Union.

Mr. Streeter

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will make a statement on the expenditure under European Communities budget line B3–1010, Youth for Europe; which organisations received funding for 1997 in the United Kingdom; what criteria determine which organisations receive awards; and what role his Department played in determining the awards. [36964]

Dr. Howells

I have been asked to reply.

Youth for Europe III is a European action programme which was agreed in 1995 and will run until the end of 1999. Copies of a list of the UK organisations that received funding in 1997 have been placed in the Library. In the UK, grants are awarded by the Youth Exchange Centre, the national agency for Youth for Europe III, according to published criteria. The criteria cover eligible countries, the age range of participants, group size, programme content and the duration of exchanges. The Government part-fund the Youth Exchange Centre but play no direct part in determining the awards.

Mr. Streeter

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will make a statement on the expenditure of European Communities budget line B3–1000, Preparatory Measures for Reinforcing Cooperation in the Field of Education; which organisations received funding for 1997; what is the purpose of the meeting of the Parliaments Representing the Youth of Europe; who selects the United Kingdom representatives; and what role his Department played in determining the awards. [36950]

Dr. Howells

I have been asked to reply.

Expenditure under B3–1000 of the General Budget of the European Union, "Preparatory measures for reinforcing co-operation in the field of education", is administered by the European Commission without reference to the EC Council of Ministers or to the Member States. One of the organisations that the Commission supports under this budget line is the European Youth Parliament (EYP). EYP currently receives an annual grant of £65,000, supplemented by private and local government sponsorship. The Government play no part in determining awards, or in the selection of participants.

Mr. Streeter

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will list the criteria used in determining what projects are eligible for receipt of European Communities moneys under the Raphael project; which projects are in receipt of funds in the United Kingdom; what part his Department plays in the determination of such projects; and how much is available for support of Europe Day in the United Kingdom. [36951]

Mr. Fisher

I have been asked to reply.

Decision No. 2228/97 established the criteria for the Raphael programme and was published in the Official Journal (OJ) of the European Communities L305/31 of 8 November 1997. The criteria for the calls for proposals for 1997 were published in OJ C219 of 18 July 1997. Two officials from my Department represent the UK on the Raphael management committee. Projects must involve partners from two or more Member States and are selected by the European Commission, after consultations with a panel of internationally renowned independent experts. There has been no funding under Raphael for the support of Europe Day in the UK. A list of the 1997 project partnerships which have been funded and include UK partners, is as follows:

Project reference Brief description
1.1 A workshop on the restoration and conservation of film
1.3 A workshop linked to the creation of a digital library for Greco-Byzantine manuscripts
1.4 A seminar on ancient mural painting
1.5 A conference on architectural heritage: dangers and threats
1.6 An exhibition on Viking maritime heritage
1.7 A pilot study on the cathedrals of mediaeval Europe
1.8 A network of museums of ethnography and anthropology
1.9 A conference on the origins of European ethnic groups
1.11 A research project on building crafts and construction in Northern Europe
1.13 A network of museums promoting preventive conservation
1.14 A seminar alerting young people to heritage preservation
1.20 A seminar on artisan skills on historic inland waterways
1.21 A symposium for companies working on the restoration of the architectural heritage
1.24 A project to recreate in virtual-reality form seven European parks and gardens
1.25 A research project into European military architecture
1.26 A project to put the Icelandic sagas on the World-Wide Web
1.27 A symposium on "facadism"
1.28 A workshop for young people on architectural heritage
1.30 A conference on underwater archaeology
1.31 A project on the use of information technology by museums
1.32 A project on the urban planning requirements of cultural heritage conservation
1.36 A conference on the role of culture in sustaining European cities in the future
1.37 A project on establishing an integrated approach to conserving the city of Kadista, Greece
1.39 A project to improve the quality of conservation work and the competence of conservators
1.41 A project on mining heritage
2.1 A project on seafaring textiles
2.3 A symposium on inventions in railways
2.4 An interactive sound experience involving museums of musical instruments
2.5 A study on the invention of automata
2.8 A project to raise awareness of the threat to European heathland
2.11 A project on tombs of the bronze and iron ages

Project reference Brief description
3.1 A project to initiate a north/south dialogue in Europe in conservation and restoration methods
3.2 A programme to encourage historic garden specialists to consider issues of access for disabled people
3.6 A training course linked to the archaeological site of Villarejo de Salvares, Spain
3.7 A training course on the production of traditional building materials
3.9 A training programme on the inventory and documentation of the architectural heritage
3.11 A training network for professionals concerned with the cinematic heritage
3.13 A course on the use of laser technology in art conservation
3.14 A field course on the archaeological heritage of the Randor Valley, Wales
4.7 The restoration of the "Barco" in Italy and linked studies
4.10 The restoration of the decorated plaster façade of the palazzo, Viterbo, Italy
5.4 The restoration of four water mills
5.6 The restoration of a hydraulic complex at Agorregi, Spain
5.12 A project to study and conserve ancient buildings of wood

Mr. Streeter

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will list the projects which received funding in the United Kingdom in 1997 under European Communities budget line B5–300, Strategic Implementing Measures; and what was the role of his Department in the determination of which projects received funding. [36959]

Mrs. Roche

I have been asked to reply.

This Department, along with others which have specific policy or sectoral responsibilities, contribute to discussions with the European Commission on proposals for expenditure on Internal Market measures. It is for the Commission to allocate funds within this budget line, in accordance with Community rules. The Commission does not publish a list of measures supported in individual Member States.