HC Deb 22 May 1997 vol 294 c163W
Miss Anne Begg

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland if he will publish the key performance targets he has set for Historic Scotland for 1997–98. [1228]

Mr. Dewar

I have set Historic Scotland the following key performance targets for 1997–98:

Protecting Scotland's built heritage
Number of monuments scheduled 380
Number of listed building resurvey units 178
Number of weeks in which 80 per cent. Of scheduled monument consent cases resolved 12
Percentage of listed building consent cases resolved within 28 days 97 per cent.
Percentage of listed building consent cases newly assisted by grant 145
Total value of grant-assisted repairs in progress £34 million
Programme of conservation of monuments in care1 meet programme
Promoting and presenting the built heritage
HS market share compared to major paid heritage attractions in Scotland[*] 47 per cent.
Percentage of satisfied visitors (based on surveys) 95 per cent.
Average spend per visitor £1.12
Agency management
Percentage efficiency gains/savings on all non-grant expenditure 1.5 per cent.
Net Exchequer funding of running costs1 £12.0 million
1 For details see Historic Scotland Corporate Plan to be published in July.