HL Deb 23 January 1997 vol 577 cc61-3WA
Lord Brabazon of Tara

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What was the outcome of the General Affairs Council on 20th January in Brussels.

Lord Chesham

The eight A points in Document 5282/97, the text of which will be placed in the House as soon as it is available, were approved.

The Council noted the resolutions adopted by the European Parliament listed in Documents 12065/96 and 12629/96. Copies of these documents will also be placed in the House as soon as they are available.

The Council began with a public debate on the Dutch Presidency programme for the first half of 1997. The Presidency identified EMU and the successful conclusion of the Intergovernmental Conference as their two main priorities. My honourable friend the Minister of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs said that, internally, the main task was job creation, while, externally, enlargement was the key challenge.

The outgoing Presidency reported on the successful EU/US Summit on 16th December 1996 and the Commission and current Presidency set out priorities for future work on the EU/US relationship. The Council took note and agreed on the particular importance it attached to the early and successful conclusion of a Mutual Recognition Agreement. The Council also discussed President Clinton's further waiver of Title III of the Helms-Burton Act, which was welcome, but did not yet fully meet the EU's concerns.

The outgoing Presidency also reported on the EU/Canada Summit on 17th January. The Council welcomed the joint declaration and Action Plan that were agreed there.

The Council, on the basis of a report by the Commission, took note with satisfaction of the outcome of the first World Trade Organisation (WTO) Ministerial Conference (Singapore, 9th-13th December 1996). The Council concluded that the Commission should continue to work for the effective implementation of the results of the Singapore Conference, placing particular importance on the timely completion of negotiations on Basic Telecommunications Services, and reiterated the importance it attaches to the integration of the least developed countries in the global trading system.

The Council noted the Presidency's report on the preparation of the EU-ASFAN Ministerial Meeting in Singapore on 13th-14th February 1997 and asked the Committee of Permanent Representatives to continue its work on the Commission's communication on EU-ASEAN relations.

The Council noted the Presidency's report on the preparations for the ASEM (Asia Europe meeting) Ministerial Meeting in Singapore on 15th February 1997.

The Council heard a report from the Commission on negotiations on new Association Agreements with a number of the European Union's Mediterranean partners. The Council reiterated its commitment to the Euro-Mediterranean partnership and its determination to conclude negotiations with Egypt, Lebanon and Jordan before Barcelona II on 15th-16th April. The Council also welcomed the recent conclusion of negotiations with the PLO on an interim association agreement, and invited the Commission to submit a formal proposal for signature as soon as possible.

The Council discussed the Middle East Peace Process in the light of a report by Special EU Envoy Moratinos. It welcomed the recent signing of the Protocol on implementation of Israeli redeployment in Hebron as an important step towards full implementation of the Interim Agreement and the start of Final Status negotiations. The Council stated that it would continue its active role in promoting and strengthening the Peace Process.

On the former Yugoslavia, Council discussion focused mainly on the need to maintain pressure on Belgrade for rapid and firm implementation of the Gonzales report on the November 1996 election results and entry into a dialogue with the opposition on democratisation. The Council expressed concern at the worsening situation in Kosovo and urged a settlement providing for Kosovo to be granted a large degree of autonomy with the former Republic of Yugoslavia. The Council called on the Republika Srpska authorities to co-operate fully with the International War Crimes Tribunal; and expressed the hope that the UN Security Council would endorse the approach on Eastern Slovenia set out in the Croatian Government's letter of intent of 13th January.

In its conclusions on the Great Lakes, the Council expressed concern at the deterioration in the situation in Eastern Zaire, called on all parties to declare and maintain a ceasefire and urged the Government of Zaire to restore citizenship to the Banyamulenge and others entitled to it. The Council welcomed the Zaire authorities' confirmation that elections will be held in July 1997, and agreed on the need for rapid establishment of the EU Electoral Unit and for the early appointment of the UN Special Representative for the elections. In light of the worsening humanitarian situation in Eastern Zaire, the Council called on all parties to allow rapid and free access of humanitarian aid to refugees and displaced persons. The Council expressed its shock at the killing of three Spanish aid workers in Rwanda and declared its dismay at the sharp deterioration of the political climate in Burundi. The Council called for preparations for an international conference on peace, security and stability in the Great Lakes region under the auspices of the United Nations and the OAU to begin without delay.

The Council agreed the mandate for a fact finding mission to Belarus. The mission will report back to the General Affairs Council on 24th February 1997.

Under any other business my honourable friend the Minister of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs raised the imposition of safeguard measures by the Commission against Overseas Countries and Territories' rice, in particular the effect this has had on British Dependent Territories Montserrat and the Turks and Caicos Islands. The following discussion was noted by the Council and the Presidency concluded that this issue should be taken forward at working level.

The 9th Ministerial meeting of the Intergovernmental Conference (IGC) was held in the afternoon. The meeting was preceded by an exchange of views with the President of the European Parliament. Discussion focused on the subject of flexibility and was based on a note from the Presidency (CONF/3802/97), which has been placed in the Libraries of the House.