HL Deb 04 February 1997 vol 577 c139WA
Lord Bowness

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What progress there has been on inviting industrial consortia to provide a permanent Joint Services Command and Staff College.

The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Ministry of Defence (Earl Howe)

I am pleased to announce that the Joint Services Command and Staff College will be at Shrivenham from September 1999. The college will be a centre of military excellence, building on the world-wide renown of its prestigious predecessors to maintain our global reputation for command and staff training.

A Serco/Laing consortium, Defence Management, has been selected as the Preferred Bidder. We shall be assisted in the academic support for the new College by Kings' College London, who are world renowned for their contribution to military studies.

The new college will be in purpose built accommodation on a greenfield site within the perimeter of the Royal Military College of Science. Subject to successful detailed negotiations, Defence Management will be awarded a contract for the provision of the accommodation, facilities management and academic support required for the new college, in June 1997. Until the permanent site is available, we shall run courses at interim sites, mainly at Bracknell.

The Staff College at Camberley has played an important and historic role for the Army. We intend to identify a fitting and appropriate military use for this historic building. I intend to report on our plans for its future occupancy before the Summer Recess.

Trades unions were consulted fully when the decision to explore the options for private financing was made. In accordance with normal procedures, they are being informed of the choice of the Preferred Bidder and will be consulted again, after a contract has been placed, about the possible transfer arrangements for civilian staff working at the interim sites.