HC Deb 09 December 1997 vol 302 cc522-3W
Mr. Watts

To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Employment what plans he has to improve the range and quality of opportunities for young people to link their education to work. [18478]

Mr. Blunkett

Today I shall be making a public announcement about investing in Young People, a strategy designed to tackle the problem of under-achievement, widen the range and improve the quality of education and training available to young people aged 14–18 and prepare them for the world of work. The strategy is aimed at making sure as many as possible of our young people stay on in education and training after the age of 16, and that everyone in this age group achieves their full potential. As a Government we are committed to ensuring that all education and training for these young people provide the essential foundation for lifelong employability.

The measures which make up the investing in Young People strategy include:

  1. I. All schools to set targets for raising attainment of qualifications at NVQ Level 2 at age 16.
  2. II. Widening the range of vocational options and the work relevance of the curriculum for 14–16 year olds.
  3. III. Introducing a single school leaving date at the end of June each year, so that no child should be able to leave school, in the year they become 16, until they have had a chance to sit for GCSE or other external examinations.
  4. IV. Measures to help young people plan and manage their own learning—including a new National Record of Achievement.
  5. V. The introduction of a Learning Card, promoting young people's entitlement to continue in learning post-16.
  6. VI. Refocusing the Careers Service to target support and guidance on those who need it most.
  7. VII. Developing a New Start strategy to re-engage disaffected young people from age 14 upwards in learning, where they have already dropped out or are in danger of doing so.
  8. VIII. Legislating to ensure that all young employees—with the support of their employer—can undertake education and training up to NVQ Level 2.
  9. IX. Introducing National Traineeships as a high-quality work-based route to NVQ level 2, building on the successful Modern Apprenticeships and including key skills.
  10. X. Raising Standards by improving the quality of all post-16 provision: setting targets, identifying success, spreading good practice, and eliminating failure.

Schools, colleges TECs, careers services and the Youth Service all have a part to play in achieving our goals. But the involvement of employers is also essential. We want all employers to commit themselves to the training needs of all their young employees. If all our employers emulate the performance of the best, we will have the best-trained workforce in Europe.

A booklet accompanying the launch of the investing in Young People strategy is being widely distributed to partners throughout industry, education and training, and copies will be available in the Library.