§ Mr. Ian McCartneyTo ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer how many people, by region and gender, are
Economically inactive of working age not claiming unemployment-related benefits who would like to work by age, gender and region Thousands, Spring 1996 16–24 years old 25–49 years old 50 years and over All working age Males Females Males Females Males (50–64) Females (50–59) Males Females All persons United Kingdom 236 306 283 845 292 203 810 1,354 2,164 Great Britain 232 296 279 824 288 198 798 1,318 2,117 England 199 247 228 686 232 163 659 1,095 1,754 South East 82 89 76 282 78 64 236 435 670 Greater London 38 40 53 141 38 30 128 211 340 Rest of South East 44 49 23 140 40 34 107 224 331 East Anglia 1— 1— 1— 27 1— 1— 21 39 60 South West 20 24 20 54 21 15 61 93 154 West Midlands 20 29 23 82 30 17 73 127 201 East Midlands 17 19 20 51 16 15 53 84 137 Yorks and Humber 24 30 28 60 29 18 80 108 188 North West 18 26 39 77 30 19 87 122 208 North 13 22 15 54 19 11 47 87 134 Wales 12 20 17 52 23 13 52 85 137 Scotland 21 29 34 87 33 22 88 138 226 Northern Ireland 1— 10 1— 21 1— 1— 12 36 48 Note:
1Sample size too small for reliable estimate.
Labour Force Survey, Office for National Statistics.