- GP Fundholders (Doncaster) 58 words cc413-4W
- Waiting Times 222 words c414W
- South Essex Health Authority 67 words c414W
- Community Psychiatric Nurses 61 words c414W
- Care in the Community 49 words c414W
- NHS Trusts (Board Members) 65 words cc414-5W
- GP Fundholding 91 words c415W
- London Initiative Zone Scheme 65 words c415W
- East Lancashire Health Authority 184 words cc415-6W
- Dental Services 253 words c416W
- Private Finance Initiative 48 words c416W
- District General Hospital, Dartford 53 words c416W
- Inadequate Housing (Effect on Health) 66 words c416W
- Cheviot and Wansbeck NHS Trust 81 words c416W
- NHS Building Projects 54 words cc416-7W
- Paediatric Intensive Care Beds 60 words c417W
- Operating Theatres (Dress) 79 words c417W
- Asbestos (Cancer of the Larynx) 29 words c417W
- Suicide 71 words c417W
- Brain Search Facilities 58 words cc417-8W
- Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease 113 words c418W
- Doctors 129 words c418W
- Osteosarcoma 38 words cc418-9W
- Long-term Care 223 words c419W
- Consultants 33 words c419W
- Medical Locums 49 words c419W
- NHS Trusts 124 words c419W
- NHS Performance 111 words cc419-20W
- Hypothermia 463 words c420W
- Diet and Behaviour (Children) 76 words