- Heathrow Airport Passengers 114 words c402W
- Police Tasks 191 words c403W
- Computer Misuse Act 1990 174 words c403W
- Buckley Hall Prison 197 words c403W
- Domestic Violence (Islington) 67 words c404W
- Irish Prisoners 116 words c404W
- Holloway Prison 43 words c404W
- Boot Camps 148 words c404W
- Chief Inspector of Prisons 82 words c405W
- Parliamentary Questions 196 words c405W
- India 188 words cc405-6W
- Departmental Gun Clubs 97 words c406W
- Involuntary Manslaughter 138 words c406W
- Police Driver Training 58 words c406W
- Criminal Records 66 words cc406-7W
- Prisoners (Drug Testing) 325 words c407W
- Departmental Staff (Working Hours) 63 words c407W
- Departmental Contractors and Suppliers 99 words cc407-8W
- Police (Body Armour) 85 words