§ Mr. HoyleTo ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department what plans he has to provide more robust cellular accommodation within the prison estate. [8256]
§ Miss WiddecombeResponsibility for this matter has been delegated to the temporary Director General of the Prison Service, who has been asked to arrange for a reply to be given.
Letter from Richard Tilt to Mr. Doug Hoyle, dated 17 January 1996:
The Home Secretary has asked me to reply to your recent Question about what plans he has to provide more robust cellular accommodation within the prison estate.Since the late 1980s all new prisons and all new houseblocks and refurbished accommodation at existing prisons have included secure cellular accommodation to the current security standard. This standard is kept under review and revised as necessary.The six new privately built and managed prisons which are planned will include secure cellular accommodation to accepted standards.