§ Ms HodgeTo ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what performance indicators and performance targets there are for measuring the performance of his Department in(a) answering letters from members of the public and (b) answering telephone calls from members of the public; how performance is monitored; and what are the latest figures for performance measured against the target set. [26233]
§ Sir John WheelerDetails of targets and performance regarding correspondence with Ministers is set out in theOfficial Report, 18 April 1995, columns 21–24. In addition, under the code of practice on open government, the Northern Ireland Office and Northern Ireland Departments endeavour to respond to requests for information within 20 working days. Details of departmental performance for such requests is detailed in the "Open Government Code of Practice on Access to Government Information 1994 Report", a copy of which has been placed in the Library. The Northern Ireland Office and Northern Ireland Departments, usually at local management level, are responsible for setting their own targets for handling other correspondence and answering 549W telephone queries. The information regarding targets and related performance which is available within Departments is detailed. Where specific targets have not been set, managers have a responsibility to ensure that all public inquiries are dealt with as quickly as possible and telephone calls are dealt with promptly.
Department Economic Development (DED)
Officials endeavour to reply to letters within 15 working days of receipt. Although quantitative measures of DED's performance would incur disproportionate costs, there is no evidence to suggest that this standard is not regularly met.
Two of the targets in the Training and Employment Agency customers charter detail that:
Customers' letters will be responded to within five working days; where an acknowledgement is issued a full reply should be sent within 10 working days.Telephones will be answered within 20 seconds, if the person the customer wants is unavailable the call will be returned within one working day.The latest figures for performance against target indicate that: 90 per cent. of letters responded to within five working days; of those not responded to within five working days, 85 per cent. were responded to within 10 working days.97 per cent. of telephone calls answered within 20 seconds; where a member of staff was not available 90 per cent. of calls were returned within one day.Department Environment (DOE)
DOE does not have uniform performance targets for handling correspondence and telephone calls. Divisions, services and agencies are encouraged to set their own targets and to publish them in charter statements, as appropriate. Individual targets set for answering correspondence range from five to 15 working days, while telephone queries are normally dealt with on the same day.
Performance monitoring and measurement is carried out by local management and information is not held centrally.
Northern Ireland Office (NIO)
The NIO has no specific targets however, letters from the public are generally answered within a 28-day deadline.
The Compensation Agency aims to reply to at least 95 per cent. of letters within 14 days of receipt, and respond to telephone inquiries on the same day or at most within 24 hours. Performance against these targets is monitored by random sampling and the statistics for 1994–95 indicate that the targets are being achieved.
Department Finance and Personnel (DFP)
DFP does not have uniform performance targets for handling correspondence. Divisions and agencies are encouraged to set their own targets as appropriate. For example, the Civil Service Commission undertakes to respond to all requests for application forms within two working days and to acknowledge receipt of all completed forms within the same timescale.
The Valuation and Lands Agency undertakes to reply to 90 per cent. of enquiries, other than net annual valuations, within 10 days. Current performance is measured at 93 per cent.
550WWith regards to telephone calls the target for switchboard operators to answer calls is 12 seconds. Current performance over the last 12 months is measured at nine seconds.
Department Agriculture (DANI)
Targets for measuring performance of DANI for answering letters and telephone calls are set out in its charter statement "Our Service Standards" published in February 1995, a copy of which will be placed in the Library. Systems are being put in place to monitor performance.
Targets are also set out in the codes of practice governing the legislation enforcement activities of the agri-food development service, the fisheries inspectorate and the veterinary service.
Latest performance figures for these three areas are measured at 96.68 per cent., 100 per cent. and not yet available respectively.
Department Health and Social Services (DHSS)
This Department does not set performance targets for handling correspondence or telephone calls as members of the public do not normally communicate directly with the Department.
In its customer charter, the Social Security Agency aims to respond to all letters of complaint from the public within seven days. There are no specific targets for responding to general letters or telephone calls.
In the NI Child Support Agency's charter the target for answering letters from members of the public is 10 working days and 80 per cent. of telephone calls within 20 seconds. For the year ended March 1995, 42 per cent. of letters checked on a random sample basis received a reply within 10 days and 98 per cent. of telephone calls were answered within 20 seconds.
Department Education (DENT)
DENT has no performance indicators or targets for answering letters and telephone calls from members of the public.