HC Deb 24 January 1995 vol 253 cc131-3W
Ms Jowell

To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security if he will provide figures for his Department's expenditure on income support, attendance allowance and disability living allowance for claimants with preserved rights between 31 March 1993 and 31 March 1994.

Mr. Roger Evans

Estimated quarterly expenditure on claimants who were receiving either income supply only or income support and attendance allowance/disability living allowance is as follows:

£ million
May 1993 736
August 1993 696
November 1993 653
February 1994 612

Separate data are not collected on attendance allowance or disability living allowance for people in residential care and nursing homes who are not also in receipt of income support.


Income support quarterly inquiries.

Ms Jowell

To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security how many people had preserved rights to the higher level of income support between 31 March 1993 and 31 March 1994.

Mr. Roger Evans

Information on income support for people in residential care and nursing homes is contained in the quarterly statistical inquiry based on sample data. The number with preserved rights are:

May 1993 284,000
August 1993 267,000
November 1993 249,000
February 1994 233,000


Income support quarterly inquiries.

Ms Jowell

To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security how much has been spent by his Department on income support and attendance allowance or disability living allowance for new claimants in independent care homes since 31 March 1993.

Mr. Roger Evans

Information is not available in the form requested. Estimated total expenditure on claimants who were receiving either income support only or income support and attendance allowance/disability living allowance for the 12 months from May 1993 is £73 million.

Separate data are not collected on attendance allowance or disability living allowance for people in residential care and nursing homes who are not also in receipt of income support.


Income support quarterly inquiries

Ms Jowell

To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security how many people claiming residential allowance were placed in (a) residential care homes and(b) nursing homes during each month from April 1993 to March 1994.

Mr. Roger Evans

Information is not available in the form requested. The total numbers in receipt of residential allowance based on sample data are:

May 1993 2,000
August 1993 17,000
November 1993 30,000
February 1994 44,000


Income support quarterly inquiries.

Information is not available split between residential care and nursing homes.

Ms Jowell

To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security how many claimants of residential allowance were in independent residences or nursing homes on 31 March 1993.

Table 1: Disability living allowance claims and awards
March-October 1993 November 1993-March 1994 April-October 1994
Claims received 298,000 174,000 294,000
Awards made 155,000 84,000 136,000


100 per cent. Count.

Table 2: First awards of disability living allowance by type of disability
March-November 1993 December 1993-February 1994 March-November 1994
Physical 162,000 48,000 171,000
Mental 32,000 9,000 32,000


5 per cent sample.

Analytical services division.


  1. 1. The information in tables 1 and 2 is from different sources and is collated by different periods.
  2. 2. Table 1—a claim may be received in one period but decided in another.
  3. 3. Table 2—figures are first awards arising from initial claims, reviews or appeals. The breakdown of type of disability is made by reference to the main disabling condition recorded by the adjudication officer initially deciding the claim.