§ Mr. ByersTo ask the Secretary of State for Defence how many two-star officers and above are entitled to a dedicated staff car and driver; where the officers are based; what make of car is provided. and what is the total annual cost in salaries, maintenance and car replacement.
§ Mr. SoamesAt two-star rank and above, there are 114 posts in the armed forces and my Department. including civilians, who are entitled to a dedicated staff car and driver. These are:252W
Staff car and driver Posts open to more than one service Offices 5* Posts 1 Chief of the Defence Staff London 2 Chairman of the Military Committee Brussels 4* Posts 3 Vice Chief of Defence Staff London 3* Posts 4 United Kingdom Military Representative Brussels 5 Deputy Chief of Defence Staff (Commitments) London 6 Deputy Chief of Defence Staff (Personnel and Programmes) London 7 Deputy Chief of Defence Staff (Systems) London 8 Chief of Defence Intelligence London 9 Surgeon General London 10 Commandment Royal College of Defence Studies London 2* Posts 11 Commander British Forces Cyprus Episkopi 12 Commander British Forces Falkland Islands P. Stanley 13 Head of British Defence Liaison Staff Washington 14 Commandant Joint Services Defence College Greenwich 15 Commander Immediate Reaction Force (Land) Heidleberg 16 Commander Multinational Division (Centre) Brussels 17 Military Deputy/Head of Defence Export Services London Royal Navy 4* Posts 18 Chief of the Naval Staff London 19 Chief of Naval Home Command/2nd Sea Lord Portsmouth 20 Commander in Chief Fleet Northwood 21 Controller of the Navy London 3* Posts 22 Chief of Fleet Support Bath 23 Deputy Commander in Chief Fleet Northwood 24 Flag Officer Plymouth Plymouth 25 Flag Officer Scotland, Northern England and Northern Ireland Pitreavie 26 Flag Officer Submarines Northwood 2* Posts 27 Director General Naval Personnel Strategy and Plans Portsmouth 28 Flag Officer Portsmouth Portsmouth 29 Flag Officer Training and Recruiting Portsmouth 30 Flag Officer Surface Flotilla Portsmouth 31 Commander British Forces Gibraltar 32 Flag Officer Sea Training Portland 33 Flag Officer Naval Aviation Yeovilton 34 Naval Secretary Portsmouth 35 Commander United Kingdom Task Group Portsmouth 36 Commandant General Royal Marines Portsmouth 37 Medical Director General (Naval) Gosport Army 4* Posts 38 Chief of General Staff London 39 Adjutant General London 40 Commander in Chief United Kingdom Land Forces Wilton 41 Deputy Supreme Allied Commander Europe Mons 254W
Staff car and driver Posts open to more than one service Offices 42 Quartermaster General Andover 3* Posts 43 Master General of the Ordnance London 44 Inspector General Doctrine and Training Upavon 45 Commander United Kingdom Field Army Wilton 46 General Officer Commanding Southern District Aldershot 47 General Officer Commanding Northern Ireland Lisburn 48 Commander ACE Rapid Reaction Corps Rhinedahlen 2* Posts 49 Director General Military Survey Feltham 50 Engineer in Chief (Army) Minley 51 Director General Land Warfare Upavon 52 Director General Army Training Upavon 53 Commandment Staff College Camberley 54 Commandment Royal Military College of Science Shrivenham 55 Commandment Royal Military Academy Sandhurst Camberley 56 Director Royal Armoured Corps Bovington 57 Director Royal Artillery Woolwich 58 Director of Infantry Warminster 59 Director Army Air Corps M. Wallop 60 Military Secretary London 61 Chief of Staff HQ Adjutant General Corps Worthy Downs 62 Director General Logistics Support (Army) Andover 63 Director General Engineering Support (Army) Andover 64 Director General Army Medical Service Mychett 65 Commander Medical United Kingdom Land Forces Wilton 66 General Officer Commanding 2nd Division York 67 General Officer Commanding London District London 68 General Officer Commanding 5th Division Brecon 69 General Officer Commanding Scotland Edinburgh 70 Commander 3rd Division Bulford 71 Commander United Kingdom Support Command Germany Rheindahlen 72 Commander 1st Division Hereford 73 Chief of Staff HQ ACE Rapid Reaction Corps Rheindahlen 74 Chief Combat Support Ace Rapid Reaction Corps Rheindahlen 75 Director Support Land Centre Heidleberg 76 Commander British Forces Hong Kong 77 Commander Land Forces Northern Ireland Lisburn 78 Chief of Staff HQ Quartermaster General Andover 79 Governor of Gibraltar Gibraltar Royal Air Force 4* Posts 80 Chief of the Air Staff London 81 Air Officer Commanding in Chief HQ Personnel and Training Command Innsworth 82 Air Officer Commanding in Chief HQ Logistic Command Brampton 83 Air Officer Commanding in Chief HQ Strike Command High Wycombe 84 Deputy Commander in Chief Central Europe Brunssum 85 Controller Aircraft London 86 Commander HQ Allied Air Forces North West Europe High Wycombe
Staff car and driver Posts open to more than one service Offices 3* Posts 87 Chief of Staff HQ Strike Command High Wycombe 88 Chief of Staff HQ Logistic Command Brampton 89 Deputy Commander Allied Air Forces Central Europe Ramstein 90 Director General Saudi Al Al Yamaha Project Saudi 2* Posts 91 Air Secretary Innsworth 92 Chief of Staff HQ Personnel and Training Command Innsworth 93 Assistant Chief of Staff (Policy) Mons 94 Air Officer Commanding Information Systems Brampton 95 Air Officer Engineering and Supply High Wycombe 96 Air Officer Commanding 1 Group Upavon 97 Air Officer Commanding 2 Group Rheindahlen 98 Air Officer Commanding 11 Group Stanmore 99 Air Officer Commanding 18 Group North wood 100 Air Officer Commanding 38 Group High Wycombe 101 Air Officer Training Innsworth 102 Air Officer Maintenance Brampton 103 Commandant Staff College Bracknell Bracknell 104 Commandant RAF College Cranwell Cranwell 105 Director General Medical Services (RAF) Innsworth 106 Director General Policy and Plans London 107 Air Officer Administration High Wycombe 108 Director General Support Management (RAF) Brampton MoD Civilians 109 Permanent Under Secretary of State London 110 Chief Scientific Adviser London 111 2nd Permanent Under Secretary of State London 112 Chief of Defence Procurement London 113 Deputy Chief of Scientific Adviser London 114 Command Secretary Logistics Command Brampton The total estimated cost of the driver posts for the financial year 1993–94 is approximately £2.3m. Entitled officers have the use of a Rover 800 car. The total costs of car maintenance are not separately identifiable, however, the available data suggests that the likely annual cost is in the region of £300 per vehicle per annum. The total annual cost of car replacement for the last three years is as follows:
Year Vehicles bought 1992–93 131 costing £1.7m 1993–94 7 costing £100k 1994–95 0