§ Mrs. GoldingTo ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department if he will list the organisations invited to comment on the draft inter-agency circular on domestic violence; which organisations responded; and what was the length of time allowed for consultation on the draft circular.
§ Mr. MacleanFollowing initial consultations with a number of organisations in June and July 1994, the Home Office wrote to the organisations listed on 15 September to invite comments on the draft circular by 7 October. I understand that, in addition to this, the Department of Health wrote to a number of statutory and voluntary agencies on 21 September and 4 October inviting responses by 7 and 12 October respectively.
(∗denotes those organisations from which responses were received).
Organisations contacted by the Home Office
- Allied Dunbar Charitable Trust Ltd.
- Association of County Councils
- Association of District Councils∗
- Association of London Authorities
- Association of Metropolitan Authorities∗
- Association of Chief Officers of Probation
- Catholic Marriage Advisory Council∗
- Central Probation Council
- Charnwood Borough Council Domestic Violence Panel∗
- Crime Concern∗
- Domestic Violence Intervention Project, London
- Dorset Police Headquarters Child Protection Unit∗
- Essex Probation Service∗
- Family Welfare Association
- Federation of Army Wives∗
- Hammersmith and Fulham Domestic Violence Forum∗
- Health Visitors' Association∗
- Hereford Women's Aid
- Islington Council, Women's Equality Unit∗
- Jewish Marriage Council∗
- Jewish Women's Aid∗
- Keighley Domestic Violence Forum
- Leeds Inter-Agency Project∗
- London Boroughs Association∗
- London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham Community Safety Unit∗
- Manchester, Crown Prosecution Service∗
- Merseyside Probation Service∗
- Metropolitan Police Community Affairs Branch∗
- Mid Glamorgan County Crime Prevention Co-ordinating Committee∗
- National Association of Citizens Advice Bureaux∗
- National Association of Probation Officers
- National Board of Catholic Women∗
- Network∗
- Northern Ireland Women's Aid
- Nottinghamshire County Council∗
- Nottinghamshire Domestic Violence Forum∗
- ONE plus ONE∗
- Pro-Act∗
- Probation Managers Association∗
- Refuge∗
- Relate∗
224 - Roehampton Institute, Department of Sociology and Social Administration∗
- Royal College of General Practitioners∗
- Royal College of Midwives
- Royal College of Nursing∗
- Royal College of Psychiatrists∗
- Royal College of Surgeons
- Scottish Women's Aid
- Somerset County Council Social Services Department∗
- Southall Black Sisters∗
- South Glamorgan Probation Service∗
- South Somerset Domestic Violence Project∗
- South Yorkshire Probation Service∗
- Swindon Women's Aid∗
- Tavistock Marital Studies Institute∗
- Thames Valley Police, Family Protection Unit∗
- The Body Shop Foundation The Housing Corporation∗
- The Samaritans∗
- The Sanctuary
- Trades Union Congress Equal Opportunities Department Unison
- University of Bradford, violence, abuse, and gender relations unit∗
- University of Bristol, Domestic Violence Research Group∗
- University of Wales Department of Social and Administrative Studies∗
- Victim Support∗
- Wales Assembly of Women∗
- Wearside Women in Need∗
- West Midlands Probation Service∗
- Wigan Metropolitan Borough Council Social Services Department∗
- Williscroft and Co.
- Wolverhampton Domestic Violence Forum
- Women's Aid Federation (England) ∗
- Women's National Commission∗
- Welsh Women's Aid∗
Organisations contacted by the Department of Health
- Bradford Community NHS Trust
- Bradford Health Authority
- British Association for the Study and Prevention of Child Abuse
- Catholic Child Welfare∗
- Childline∗
- Children's Legal Centre∗
- Family Rights Group
- Hammersmith and Fulham Social Services Department∗
- Home-Start UK∗
- Kensington and Chelsea Social Services Department∗
- Kidscape∗
- Leeds Community and Mental Health Services∗
- Leeds Health Authority∗
- Leeds Family Health Services Authority∗
- Liverpool Social Services Department∗
- National Children's Bureau∗
- National Children's Homes for Action∗
- National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children∗
- Parents against Injustice Parentline Opus
- Standing Committee on Sexual Abuse of Children
- The Michael Seiff Foundation∗
- United Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust∗
- Voluntary Organisations Liaison Council for Under Fives∗
§ Mr CohenTo ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department if he will extend his review of the charge of murder to include the case of female victims of domestic violence who kill their partners.
§ Mr. MacleanNo. I have made it clear that the review will look at the law of murder specifically in the light of the concerns expressed by the House of Lords in the case involving Private Clegg. That case related to the use of lethal force in the maintenance of law and order.