HC Deb 19 December 1995 vol 268 cc1073-9W
  1. Disabled People 136 words
  2. c1074W
  3. International Investments Ltd. (Gibraltar) 45 words
  4. c1074W
  5. Housing 66 words
  6. c1074W
  7. George Finbar Ross 99 words
  8. c1074W
  9. Pensioners (Transport Concessions) 76 words
  10. c1074W
  11. Departmental Running Costs 87 words
  12. c1075W
  13. Firearms 134 words
  14. c1075W
  15. Belfast Corporation Act 1930 27 words
  16. c1075W
  17. Small and Medium Enterprises 143 words
  18. cc1075-6W
  19. EU Peace and Reconciliation Programme 442 words
  20. cc1076-7W
  21. Public Expenditure 195 words
  22. c1077W
  23. Action for Community Employment 86 words
  24. cc1077-8W
  25. Acute Hospitals Reorganisation Project 200 words
  26. c1078W
  27. Child Support 226 words
  28. c1078W
  29. Housing Benefit (Tenants) 170 words
  30. c1079W
  31. Motor Vehicles (Damage Claims) 162 words
  32. c1079W
  33. Housing Policy Review 214 words