- Surgery 221 words c682W
- Performance-related Pay 109 words cc682-3W
- Maternity Services 146 words c683W
- St Bartholomew's Hospital 56 words c683W
- Junior Doctors 124 words c683W
- General Practitioners (Gifts) 43 words c683W
- Female Deaths 64 words cc683-4W
- London Ambulance Service 70 words c684W
- Mentally Disordered Offenders 63 words c684W
- Trust Hospital Cars 54 words c684W
- Endometriosis 59 words c684W
- Regional Health Authorities 55 words c684W
- Local Authority Contracts 63 words cc684-5W
- Residential and Nursing Care 107 words c685W
- Learning Disability Hospitals 53 words c685W
- Special Transitional Grant 129 words c685W
- Sight Tests 37 words c685W
- Public Appointments 49 words cc685-6W
- Prozac 171 words c686W
- Foster Carers 65 words cc686-7W
- Food Poisoning 305 words c687W
- General Practitioners Fundholders 66 words cc687-9W
- Thameside NHS Trust (Learning Disabilities Services) 953 words c689W
- Royal Northern Hospital 54 words c689W
- Accident and Emergency Services 103 words c689W
- Ministerial Travel 210 words cc689-90W
- Correspondence 57 words c690W
- Ministerial Visits 32 words