HL Deb 25 July 1994 vol 557 c64WA
Baroness Hamwee

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What steps they are taking to appoint enough judges to avoid the last-minute postponement of the trial of civil cases now occurring.

The Lord Chancellor

The listing system is devised to ensure that cases are heard with a minimum of delay and with the most efficient use of resources. Occasionally this results in a small number of cases being unavoidably postponed. The number of judges is, however, reviewed each year to ensure that the number in office is commensurate with anticipated workload. Any shortfall is met by deputy judiciary.

In 1993, 10 additional High Court judges were appointed and during 1994 the complement of district judges will rise by 2 per cent. to 304. Appointments to the circuit bench are expected to bring numbers in office up to complement by November.